Karid Blakken

Karid Blakken was a male politician who lived on the planet Cularin during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. For a time, Blakken served as the leader of the Hedrett Council, the governing body of the city Hedrett, but in 33 BBY he unexpectedly lost his seat on the council to a former criminal named Westa Impeveri. Later, during the Clone Wars, Blakken participated in a panel debate on the subject of Cularin's platform cities—elevated settlements located in the world's jungles.


Karid Blakken lived on Cularin during the Republic Era.

Karid Blakken lived on Cularin during the Republic Era.

Karid Blakken was a male individual who lived on the planet Cularin during the latter years of the Galactic Republic. Blakken was a resident of the city Hedrett, and he served as the leader of the Hedrett Council, the city's governing body, after being voted onto the council as one of the body's nine senior counselors. In 33 BBY, Blakken faced reelection, and Westa Impeveri, a former criminal and a junior counselor on the Hedrett Council, stood against him. Blakken was a popular favorite to win the vote, but Impeveri surreptitiously hired many people to spread the word about himself and boost his public profile. As a result, Impeveri triumphed in the election and replaced Blakken as the leader of the council, much to Blakken's chagrin. Blakken suspected that Impeveri had rigged the vote and demanded a re-count, but Impeveri was found to be innocent in the following investigation, and the result of the election was upheld.

By the time of the Clone Wars, Impeveri remained in place as leader of the Hedrett Council, yet Blakken continued to retain some supporters on Cularin. Circa 21 BBY, Blakken participated in a panel debate—moderated by a reporter named Yara Grugara—on the advantages and disadvantages of Cularin's platform cities, raised settlements that were located in the planet's jungles. During the discussion, Blakken aired the opinion that the platform cities should be abandoned, and he became embroiled in an argument with the Sakiyan Brug D'Shar, an aide-de-camp to Westa Impeveri. After D'Shar questioned the caliber of Blakken's political experience, the former senior consular accused the Sakiyan of fraudulently rigging the election that brought Impeveri to power.

Personality and traits

During his tenure on the Hedrett Council, Blakken was a popular leader. He was surprised when he lost his position to Westa Impeveri, and even after the legitimacy of the election was investigated, Blakken maintained that Impeveri's victory had been fraudulent. Blakken believed that Cularin's platform cities were bad for the planet, because they damaged the world's jungles and were a drain on the world's economy, so he advocated a withdrawal from the settlements. Blakken was quick to anger when his understanding of Cularin politics was questioned by Brug D'Shar during the debate on the benefits of the planet's platform cities, and he was willing to insult his rival.

Behind the scenes

Karid Blakken was first mentioned in the Living Force Campaign Guide, a sourcebook written by Robert Wiese and released by Wizards of the Coast in 2001, which outlined the setting of the Living Force roleplaying campaign. He later appeared in Political Platforms, a short story by Morrie Mullins that was published on Wizards.com in 2004 as a tie-in to the campaign.


  • Living Force Campaign Guide
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II



