Keek (Brigia)

Keek was a male Brigian who served as Chief of the Internal Security Police of the planet Brigia's New Regime. Most often seen wearing a chest full of medals purchased secondhand from offworld, in 2 BBY Keek led an effort to stop the University of Rudrig from opening a satellite campus on Brigia, an initiative that violated the New Regime's edict banning offworld literature and teaching materials. Keek and his crew intercepted a shipment of supplies headed for the site of the new college, carried by a Corellian smuggler named Han Solo whom a university official named Hissal had hired to make the delivery.

Although Keek attempted to convince Solo to peacefully give Hissal up, Solo refused, instead threatening to use the university's valuable duplicator to cause an inflation crisis that would damage the New Regime's fledgling economy. The ensuing standoff culminated in a frenzied gun battle aboard Solo's Millennium Falcon, one that ended when Solo used Keek's own blaster to knock the Brigian unconscious. Solo released Keek unharmed, but only after allowing Hissal to use his ship's systems to transmit anti-New Regime broadcasts across Brigia, leading to the government's destabilization.

Behind the scenes

Keek first appeared in Han Solo and the Lost Legacy, a novel written by Brian Daley and released in 1980.


  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. II, p. 205



