The ship was described as a "behemoth," and held multiple wings of B28 Extinction-class bombers, ISF Starfighters, VT-22 transports, and shuttles. Its nose was described as hollow with a large hangar bay, and the ship also possessed a quarantine bay.
The Paramount was a bulk cruiser of this kind, used as a command ship by the Sith Lord Darth Chratis during Independent Operation Sebaddon.
The ship was described as a "behemoth," and held multiple wings of B28 Extinction-class bombers, ISF Starfighters, VT-22 transports, and shuttles. Its nose was described as hollow with a large hangar bay, and the ship also possessed a quarantine bay.
The Paramount was a bulk cruiser of this kind, used as a command ship by the Sith Lord Darth Chratis during Independent Operation Sebaddon.