Korum was a Human male who was a Master Sergeant in the Imperial Military of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Galactic War. During the invasion of Belsavis, Korum was stationed in the Minimum Security Section and was tasked with opening the various Rakata vaults in the area, but he lost thirty men trying to capture the vault K-66 when the Rakata war droids in the vault attacked them. Korum sought other Imperial aid in deploying reprogramming spikes to the droids, allowing the Empire to control them.
Master Sergeant Korum appears on Belsavis in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where he provides Imperial players with the mission "Catalyzing the Conversion."
Master Sergeant Korum appears on Belsavis in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where he provides Imperial players with the mission "Catalyzing the Conversion."