Krastic Tarta

By 10 BBY, Tarta had the vessel respond to a distress call from a privateer's starship that had crashed landed. Although Tarta found the crashed vessel to be completely abandoned, the slaver discovered a native sentient species he named the Purple Ones. The slaver then wrote about these events in the book known as the Smuggler's Guide, which he had discovered on board a second crashed ship and decided to keep safe on the Arkanian Dawn.

After capturing seven villages of the natives, Tarta left the planet on the Arkanian Dawn with the ship's holds entirely full of slaves which he intended to sell at the slave markets of the planet Chalcedon. After that, he intended to become guildmaster of the and crush the Zygerrian Slavers Guild However, upon landing on Chalcedon, his slaves revolted against him, killing Tarta and seizing the Arkanian Dawn. Black Sun slavemonger later claimed to have taken the Smuggler's Guide from the body of Krastic Tarta.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide
