Light pen

Light pens were a piece of medical equipment that could be used to shine a targeted light at a patient. They consisted of a silver rod with the light source at one end and a square head marked by blue lights at the other. The pen made a beeping noise when turned on. In 5 BBY, Doctor Rhasiv, a medical technician at an Imperial Prison Complex on the moon Narkina 5, carried a light pen as part of his medical kit. He used the pen while examining the prisoner Ulaf, shining it in Ulaf's eyes to try and get a reaction; however, as Ulaf had suffered a massive stroke, there was no reaction, and Rhasiv ultimately euthanized the patient.

In the current Star Wars canon, a light pen appeared in "Nobody's Listening!," the ninth episode of the Disney+ television series Andor, which aired on November 2, 2022. The item's name is not spoken in the episode, but is given in the audio description.

Behind the scenes

In the current Star Wars canon, a light pen appeared in "Nobody's Listening!," the ninth episode of the Disney+ television series Andor, which aired on November 2, 2022. The item's name is not spoken in the episode, but is given in the audio description.



