
The Galactic Republic would eventually intervene, assisting with a coup to overthrow the Human government.

The Marits, natural engineers, impressed the commandos of Omega Squad when a group of them were able to rapidly assemble and transport the weapons given to them from the Republic, such as E-Web blasters, without poring over a manual.

Marits were also able to disseminate information quickly throughout the populace. ARC N-11 discovered that the Marits were especially good at "cascading training." A'den Skirata would train ten Marits, they would train ten each, etc. until the information was shared with the entire force in a matter of hours.

It was custom for Marits to recycle the bodies of dead family members by consuming them, usually in the form of cooked food, such as soup. This led to Clone commando Darman Skirata of Omega Squad advising his squadmates to remember to tell the Marits to not dig up and devour the bodies of two dead Covert Ops clone troopers that Darman had killed in self-defense.



