Micro Machines Star Wars Action Fleet

The toyline shares similarities to the short-lived Star Wars Micro Collection.


  • A-Wing Starfighter with Rebel Pilot & C-3PO
  • A-Wing Starfighter with Mon Mothma & Rebel Pilot
  • AT-AT (Imperial) with Imperial Driver & Stormtrooper
  • B-Wing Starfighter with Rebel Pilot & Admiral Ackbar
  • Blockade Runner (Rebel) with Princess Leia Organa & Rebel Trooper
  • Cloud Car (Bespin Twin Pod) with Cloud Car Pilot & Lobot
  • E-Wing Starfighter with Rebel Pilot and R7 Unit
  • Landing Craft (Imperial) with Sandtrooper & Imperial Officer
  • Millennium Falcon with Lando Calrissian & Rebel Trooper
  • Rancor with Luke Skywalker & Gamorrean Guard
  • Sail Barge (Jabba's) with Jabba, Yak-Face & R2-D2
  • Sandcrawler (Jawa) with Jawa & Scavenger Droid
  • Shuttle Tydirium (Imperial) with Han Solo & Chewbacca
  • Slave I with Boba Fett & Han Solo
  • Snowspeeder with Luke Skywalker & Rebel Gunner
  • Snowspeeder with Rebel Pilot & Rebel Gunner Rogue 2
  • T-16 Skyhopper (Incom) with Luke Skywalker & Biggs Darklighter
  • Tie Bomber with Imperial Pilot & Imperial Naval Trooper
  • Tie Defender with Imperial Pilot & Moff Jerjerrod
  • Tie Fighter with Imperial Pilot & Grand Moff Tarkin
  • Tie Fighter (Lord Vader's) with Lord Darth Vader & Imperial Pilot--(Original Big Version)
  • Tie Fighter (Lord Vader's) (Later Smaller Version)
  • Tie Interceptor with two Imperial Pilots
  • Virago with Prince Xizor & Guri
  • X-wing Luke's Starfighter with Luke Skywalker & R2-D2
  • X-Wing Red 2 Starfighter with Wedge Antilles & R2 Unit
  • X-Wing Red 6 Starfighter with Jek Porkins & R2 Unit
  • Y-wing Starfighter with Gold Leader & R2 Unit
  • Y-Wing Starfighter with Yellow Leader & R2 Unit
  • Y-Wing Starfighter with Blue Leader & R2 Unit

Classic Duels

  • TIE Fighter vs X-wing Starfighter
  • TIE Interceptor vs Millennium Falcon

Series Alpha concept art

  • Imperial shuttle
  • B-wing
  • X-wing
  • Y-wing
  • Snowspeeder
  • AT-AT
  • Cloud car


  • Yavin 4 base
  • Echo Base
  • The Death Star

Kay Bee Exclusives

  • Imperial AT-ST/Luke's Land Speeder - Kay Bee Exclusive
  • Imperial AT-ST/Luke's Land Speeder Limited Edition Tag
  • Remote Control Walking Imperial AT-AT Small Window
  • Remote Control Walking Imperial AT-AT Big Window

