aims to serve as the primary hub for everything related to Star Wars collecting. You can find the newest collecting updates on Rebelscum, which encompasses subjects from Hasbro action figures to Gentle Giant statues. The website offers regularly updated news and visuals, Star Wars convention reporting, multiple product databases, a plethora of reference galleries and archives, plus much more.
The website "Philip's Star Wars Toys, Pictures and Thoughts" was launched in 1996 by Philip Wise. With the assistance of Chris H. and the debut of The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition, it eventually evolved into Rebelscum. Rebelscum is now a leading and highly visited Star Wars collecting news resource online.
Currently, Wise and Holoka continue to operate Rebelscum, alongside contributors like Dustin Roberts, D. Martin Myatt, Jay Shepard, Grahame Wright, and Chris Wyman, in addition to technical support from Paul Pritchard. Staff members from the sister site, such as Eric Geller and Mike Barrick, also contribute articles to Rebelscum.
Rebelscum hosts the most extensive Star Wars collectibles photo archive globally, showcasing images and details supplied by D. Martin Myatt, Chris Wyman, and previous staff member Dan Curto.
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