The Millennium Collective, as named by L3-37, was the trio of droid brains that comprised the central computer of the YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon. The first of the droids to be uploaded to the Falcon was the transport droid V5-T, while the slicer droid ED-4 was uploaded at some point afterward. The brains acted as one entity, unconcerned with the droids they had formerly been. L3-37, a self-built droid, was uploaded to the Falcon after being destroyed during a job on Kessel. Refusing to lose her name and identity, L3-37 led the other two droid brains to operate as separate consciousnesses, working together to run the Falcon.
Fleeing from the Empire after the raid on Kessel, Lando Calrissian uploaded the consciousness of his droid companion, L3-37, into the navigational system of the Millennium Falcon. Although initially hesitant, L3-37 agreed to integrate with the Falcons computer to save her friends. She went on to teach the other droids in the Collective new concepts, such as individuality.
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