
The planet Neelanon was the homeworld of the human senator Terr Taneel, who represented the world Senex in the Galactic Senate of the Republic during the Clone Wars.

Neelanon was first mentioned in the current canon on a card in the 2018 Star Wars Galactic Files set of trading cards released by The Topps Company, Inc. in 2018. It originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first mentioned in the article "Who's Who in the Delegation of 2000," which was written by Daniel Wallace and published in Star Wars Insider 85 in 2005.

Behind the scenes

Neelanon was first mentioned in the current canon on a card in the 2018 Star Wars Galactic Files set of trading cards released by The Topps Company, Inc. in 2018. It originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first mentioned in the article "Who's Who in the Delegation of 2000," which was written by Daniel Wallace and published in Star Wars Insider 85 in 2005.

