Office of Senator Kameron Suldar

The office of Senator Kameron Suldar in the Senate Building on Coruscant was used by the Lost Tribe of Sith High Lord Ivaar Workan, who posed as Senator Suldar of the world B'nish during the Sith infiltration of Coruscant. The office was furnished with a wurlwood door, a glass desk, and display cases that contained glass sculptures from Workan's homeworld of Kesh. Workan's senatorial aide was Lady Enara Massar.

The High Lord's personal office contained a room that served as his meditation chamber, featuring his longtime favorite glass sculptures and a mat with a candle on one side of the room; the other side had a desk and a holoprojector that Workan used to communicate with the Sith Tribe's Grand Lord, Darish Vol. Workan's bedroom also had a chair with an activation button for vidcalls.






