The Perlemian node was a location in the Tynna sector of the Expansion Region that was intersected by the Corellian Run. It was located near Kelarea. The Perlemian Traffic Control operated at this location. During the Clone Wars, in 21 BBY, Omega Squad conducted a TIOPS mission at the Corellian–Perlemian hyperspace intersection.
The Perlemian node first appeared in the 2006 novel Republic Commando: Triple Zero, written by Karen Traviss. It was later mentioned in the 2007 novel Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, which was also written by Karen Traviss.
It is unclear whether the Perlemian node is an area of space, a trade route or an astronomical object. Despite its name however, the Perlemian node is not related to the Perlemian Trade Route, which intersects the Corellian Run at Coruscant.
The Perlemian node first appeared in the 2006 novel Republic Commando: Triple Zero, written by Karen Traviss. It was later mentioned in the 2007 novel Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, which was also written by Karen Traviss.
It is unclear whether the Perlemian node is an area of space, a trade route or an astronomical object. Despite its name however, the Perlemian node is not related to the Perlemian Trade Route, which intersects the Corellian Run at Coruscant.