The pirate attack at Stivic, also known as the Stivic incident, was a conflict of the Lioaoin pirate campaign around 35 BBY The incident began with Lioaoin pirates attacking a Garwian merchant station over the Garwian Unity planet Stivic, a trade hub for the local nations of the Chaos. Senior Captain Irizi'ar'alani of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet cruiser Parala received a Garwian distress call. Senior Commander Mitth'raw'nuru begged her to assist the Garwians, as the Lioaoins were also a threat to the Chiss Ascendancy. Mid Captain Roscu objected.
The Ascendancy's non-intervention policy prohibited Chiss Defense Force personnel from engaging in first strikes, but did not prohibit observation of hostilities between other factions. As such, the Parala went to observe the battle. Senior Captain Ziara permitted Thrawn to 'calibrate' the ranging lasers, which he used to send a message to the Garwians in modulated laserfire and tell them how to defeat the Lioaoins.
The Stivic incident appeared in a flashback as chapter "Memories VII" of the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn.
- Star Wars: Timelines