The Garwian Unity represented the political entity of the Garwian species. Their location was within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy.
In the early years of Garwian civilization, the Lioaoin Regime successfully seized control of one of their outlying planetary possessions.
As the Lioaoin Regime shifted towards acts of piracy, the Garwian Unity's colony of Stivic, particularly the merchant station in orbit, became the target of four Lioaoi pirate ships. Security Officer Frangelic dispatched an urgent distress call, which was answered by the Chiss Senior Commander Mitth'raw'nuru (Thrawn). Thrawn, temporarily in command of the Chiss patrol cruiser Parala (ordinarily under the command of Senior Captain Irizi'ar'alani (Ziara)), arrived at Stivic. The Chiss were bound by their stringent preemptive strike protocols not to directly intervene. However, Thrawn hoped that the mere presence of the Chiss vessel would serve as a deterrent to the pirates. Upon the Parala's arrival, the situation remained unchanged. Nevertheless, the Garwians intercepted a coded message transmitted from the Parala's ranging lasers, secretly sent by Thrawn. Thrawn's tactical analysis of the Lioaoi proved invaluable, enabling the Garwians to gain the upper hand in the engagement. Employing a corkscrew maneuver, the Garwians successfully exploited and targeted the pirates' vulnerable ventral plates, leading to their defeat. Only one of the four Lioaoin pirate ships managed to escape Stivic into hyperspace.
Following this incident, the Garwian Unity, emboldened by their success, initiated a new campaign of conquest against the Lioaoin Regime, with the objective of reclaiming their lost outer world and potentially seizing another Lioaoin territory. The Garwians extended an invitation to Thrawn and Ziara (now Commodore Ar'alani) to visit Solitair and meet with the Ruleri. Their intention was to manipulate the Chiss into divulging further tactical intelligence and weaknesses of the Lioaoi. Simultaneously, the Garwians planned to launch their offensive against the Lioaoi. The Lioaoi suffered setbacks at the hands of the Garwians and dispatched two diplomatic vessels to Solitair to negotiate terms of surrender. Upon their arrival at Solitair aboard the Chiss ship Destrama, Thrawn and Ar'alani were received as esteemed guests and given a tour of one of the Garwian Creators' Markets. Subsequently, the Lioaoin diplomats arrived, but the Garwians orchestrated a scenario to portray their arrival as an attack, justifying a "defensive" assault on the diplomats. Emergency alarms were activated, and the Chiss were escorted to an underground command center. There, the Garwians attempted to pressure Thrawn into providing them with additional information regarding Lioaoi vulnerabilities and tactics. Before Thrawn could disclose any information, Ar'alani, recognizing the deception, intervened and revealed that the Garwians were disrupting their communications with the Destrama. Angered by this revelation, Thrawn inquired of Ar'alani whether the Destrama was authorized to engage the Garwians' defense platforms. Ar'alani, despite being tempted, declined, citing the Chiss' adherence to non-aggression protocols. Before their departure, Ar'alani cautioned the Garwians against provoking the Chiss further, emphasizing that Thrawn's ability to analyze an opponent's tactical weaknesses could also be applied to them. By the time the Nikardun conquests began, this conflict had reached its conclusion.
Later, during the Nikardun conquests, Thrawn returned to Solitair to call in a favor from Frangelic, now holding the position of Second Defense Overload. Thrawn and Frangelic engaged in discussions regarding the Nikardun's conquests. Thrawn observed that the Lioaoin Regime, the Paccian Governance, the Tower Dimension, and the Paataatus Hiveborn had either been subjugated by or allied themselves with the Nikardun. Frangelic disclosed that two additional systems had exhibited suspicious changes in their communication patterns with the Garwians, suggesting a Nikardun takeover. Thrawn's purpose in visiting Solitair was to request covert transportation aboard a Garwian vessel to one of four nations, in order to ascertain whether they had fallen under Nikardun control. Frangelic proposed that he join a diplomatic mission to the Vak Combine homeworld of Primea, an offer that Thrawn accepted.
Upon the diplomatic mission's arrival at Primea, Thrawn, using the alias Artistic Master Svorno, attended a diplomatic reception, where he engaged in a conversation with General Yiv the Benevolent, the leader of the Nikardun. Frangelic and the Garwians, potentially influenced by Thrawn's assessment, decided to depart Primea a day earlier than scheduled. Their ship's navigator, a Pathfinder named Qilori of Uandualon, anticipated that Yiv would attempt to attack the Garwian vessel in order to capture or eliminate Thrawn. However, Thrawn was nowhere to be found on the Garwian ship. In reality, Thrawn had anticipated Yiv's intentions and utilized a medium-sized shipping container, provided by Frangelic, to infiltrate a Vak spaceport, where he commandeered a Vak patrol ship to facilitate his escape. Upon discovering this, Qilori feared that Yiv would attack the Garwian ship without cause. Seeking to inform Yiv that Thrawn was not aboard, Qilori suggested that Frangelic contact Yiv, pointing out that Thrawn had spoken with him at the diplomatic reception. Frangelic, wishing to maintain the appearance of ignorance regarding Thrawn's plan, complied and contacted Yiv to inquire about Thrawn's whereabouts. Upon learning that Thrawn was no longer on Primea, the Garwians departed Primea.
The Ruleri served as the supreme governing authority of the Garwian Unity, functioning as its legislative body.
The Garwian Unity maintained a military to safeguard its interests, composed of a hierarchy of officers. The position of Second Defense Overlord was a key role within the military structure.
The Garwian Unity held dominion over regions of space within the Unknown Regions, operating from Solitair, its capital world. They also controlled a number of colonies, including Stivic, a prominent trade hub for the Unity.