
The Pui-ui species (pronounced /ˈpui-'ui/) was native to Kyryll's World. The sentients' small bodies were formed by two spheres separated by a short neck. The lower of the two spheres had a number of cilia projecting from it, facilitating movement. The species was active in the galaxy in the early years of the Galactic Empire, with luxury facilities on the University of Rudrig campus and with their medical data programmed into 2-1B surgical droids.

Biology and appearance

2-1B surgical droids were programmed to treat Pui-uies.

2-1B surgical droids were programmed to treat Pui-uies.

Pui-uies were a small sentient species native to a planet known as Kyryll's World, located in the Phelleem sector of the Outer Rim Territories. They resembled two spherical bodies separated by a 0.5-meter-long neck and could grow up to 1.25 meters in height. The bottom-most sphere had numerous cilia projecting from its base, which provided the species with locomotive capabilities. Pui-ui reproduced hermaphroditically, and were known to hibernate. They had three hearts, and the entire species was fatally allergic to perigen, a common non-narcotic pain killer. Pui-uies spoke the Pui-ui language, which included a wide range of shrill sounds.


The Pui-ui were known in the galaxy from at least 671 BBY. At that time, they were included in Evocar, a play written by the Hutt Direus'pei, which dramatized the conquests of Xim the Despot. They were also active in the galaxy in the early days of the Galactic Empire. The Tion Hegemony's sole university, the University of Rudrig, had a number of luxury dermal autostripper services available for Pui-ui, as well as for members of the Lisst'n species, who were known for continually shedding their skin. Pui-ui medical data was also programmed into the 2-1B surgical droids designed by Industrial Automaton and Geentech; the droids were able to diagnose enzyme eruptions in Pui-uies' third hearts, and administer doses of Iotramine and Clondex, or insert Intravenous Access Unit catheters to deal with the condition.

Behind the scenes

The Pui-ui were first mentioned in Han Solo and the Lost Legacy, a Brian Daley novel published by Del Rey in 1980. This throw-away mention revealed little about the species; however, in 1984, the species was given an entry in A Guide to the Star Wars Universe by Raymond L. Velasco which provided some description and background for the species. Their entry was largely repeated in the second edition published in 1994, although with some interesting changes. For instance, mention of their hermaphroditic reproduction was dropped, and "a 0.5 meter long neck" was changed to "a short neck"—possibly attributable to a confusion over the metric system, as hypothesized by Abel Peña. The only other source of original material on Pui-uies is in The Essential Guide to Droids, written by Daniel Wallace and published in 1999.

The capitalization of the name of the species has differed across sources, with no clear consensus emerging. Originally, Han Solo and the Lost Legacy capitalized it "Pui-Ui," which was retained for the first edition of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe—although at one point it also used "pui-uies"—as well as for The Essential Guide to Droids. However, the capitalization changed to "Pui-ui" for the second and third editions of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, and for the Star Wars Encyclopedia. Finally, the most recent publication, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, capitalized it both as "Pui-Ui" and "Pui-ui" in its entries for Kyryll's World and for the species itself, respectively.


  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • The Essential Guide to Droids
  • A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Xim Week: The Despotica (Part IV: Evocar) on Hyperspace



