Raharra was a Jedi Youngling brought to Klatooine to help seal an agreement between the anti-slavery movements and the Galactic Alliance. She was one of four Jedi assigned to a post on Klatooine until the anti-slavery rebels achieved their independence, the other three being Jedi Master Kyp Durron, Jedi Knight Sothais Saar, and Jedi Apprentice Bandy Geffer.
Raharra was a Jedi Youngling brought to Klatooine to help seal an agreement between the anti-slavery movements and the Galactic Alliance. She was one of four Jedi assigned to a post on Klatooine until the anti-slavery rebels achieved their independence, the other three being Jedi Master Kyp Durron, Jedi Knight Sothais Saar, and Jedi Apprentice Bandy Geffer.