Ranger (CR90 corvette)

Ranger was a CR90 corvette that served in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War.

Shortly after the Battle of Brigia, the commanding officer of Operation Strike Fear, realizing that Rebel resistance was stronger than expected called for reinforcements before a planned attack on Rudrig. The Ranger was sent to reinforce the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Invincible and its task force and was tasked with escorting a group of BFF-1 bulk freighters to resupply Invincible on the way.

After arriving at the transfer point, the convoy was ambushed by a Rebel strike force. Two X-wings from Red Squadron flown by Keyan Farlander and Sunnar Jan-lo arrived first and drew off the convoy's escort. Farlander immediately fired all of his proton torpedoes at Ranger, destroying the corvette. Two Y-wings from Blue Squadron arrived shortly after and attacked the now defenseless convoy.



