The Battle of Brigia transpired in the opening years of the Galactic Civil War.
News had reached the Rebel Alliance concerning a new Imperial initiative, known as "Strike Fear", with their base located on Brigia designated as the primary target. Recognizing the inferiority of their local fleet compared to the impending Imperial assault, the Alliance High Command initiated a large-scale withdrawal of Rebel personnel stationed on the planet.
Every available transport was utilized to embark personnel and supplies, with the most critical individuals being loaded onto the Arroyo shuttle group. During the confrontation, X-wings belonging to Red Squadron, supported by Y-wings from Gold Squadron, were tasked with safeguarding the departing shuttles. The Y-wings were to stay close to the transports, while the X-wings engaged the incoming enemy fighters. In the meantime, Blue Squadron was assigned to protect transports carrying vital base equipment.
The EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Fugazi had just jumped to hyperspace when the evacuation was disrupted by the arrival of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Invincible, which immediately deployed TIE Series starfighters.
In the opening barrage, the corvette Mahan and the Rhoon transport group were quickly overwhelmed and destroyed by the Invincible's weaponry.
Rebel forces engaged the Imperial TIEs, delaying them long enough for the Arroyo and the remaining fleet elements to escape. However, the Rebels suffered significant losses.
Those wounded during the evacuation effort were later transferred to the medical frigate Redemption by the corvette Korolev. Despite the considerable losses sustained, the Rebel Alliance retained the capacity to launch attacks, and key personnel stationed on Brigia were successfully evacuated.