Skirmish near Brigia

The Skirmish in the Vicinity of Brigia involved an assault by the Imperial forces, taking place as the wounded were being moved after the Brigia evacuation.

The Engagement

After the Brigia evacuation, several shuttles, along with the CR90 corvette known as the Korolev, were in the process of transporting injured individuals to the medical frigate named the Redemption. The Imperial Nebulon-B frigate, the Warspite, emerged from hyperspace and immediately launched TIE Series fighters. Subsequently, it re-entered hyperspace, reappearing on the opposite side of the transfer operation and releasing additional fighters.

The Korolev is attacked by a TIE bomber.

The defending Rebel X-wings had already moved to engage the initial fighter wave, leaving them poorly positioned to respond to the second wave. The pilots of Red Squadron, notably Keyan Farlander, managed to successfully evade the TIE/LN starfighters for a sufficient duration to eliminate both waves of TIE/sa bombers, allowing all Rebel vessels to escape without loss. A critical factor in their success was Farlander's decision to use his proton torpedoes to rapidly neutralize the first wave of TIE Bombers, coupled with his choice to disregard the threat posed by the TIE Fighters, which were preoccupied with attacking the X-wings, until all TIE Bombers had been destroyed.


A simulation that was based on the events of this battle was later incorporated into the New Republic's training curriculum. When Wedge Antilles re-established Rogue Squadron, this simulation became one of the standard evaluations for prospective squadron members.

