
Sovu was a Human male Sith Lord of the reconstituted Sith Empire


After the formation of the Hand of the Empire, Darth Rivix was chosen to lead the newly formed organization much to the chagrin of Lord Sovu who grew to dislike Rivix ever since.

Lord Sovu accompanied Darth Rivix to an undisclosed location regarding Darth Nul to which, upon entering, Sovu disregarded Rivix as weak when the latter had requested the help of the former, though he acknowledged Rivix "had [his] uses." When Rivix unlocked a device of Nul's which revealed a unique item, later identified as Nul's lightsaber, Sovu attempted to kill Rivix after the latter teased him on the identity of the mysterious item, but when Sovu attempted to take the item from its protective field he was electrocuted by a trap. Rivix echoed Sovu's earlier words, saying the Sith Lord had his uses, before striking him down.


Lord Sovu felt that he was more powerful than others realised despite being passed over in favor of Darth Rivix leading the Hand to the extent he berated his fellow Sith Lord and attempted to kill him to achieve his desires.



