Ssi-ruuvi Fleet

The Ssi-ruuvi Fleet was a large collection of vessels used to conquer worlds for the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. All the vessels were powered by energy derived from entechment. Consequently, most ships had their own entechment rigs.

The Ssi-ruu possessed a starfleet which was made up of starships that were comparable to those being used by the Empire. The fleet that was sent to Bakura was only an advance scouting task force, the actual size of the main fleet was unknown but it was known that they had a number of Shree-class battle cruisers and it was suspected that they had a large number of light cruisers and planetary assault cruisers. Ssi-ruuk had several "classes" of starships but there was far greater differentiation between individual ships in a class within their fleet than in the Imperial Navy, as they were far more willing to make alterations to suit a vessel's expected mission duties.

The largest ships in the fleet were the 900-meter long Shree-class battlecruisers which served as command ships. It led fleets that consisted of the 750-meter long Sh'ner-class planetary assault carriers and the 400-meter long Wurrif-class light cruisers. The Shree-class and Wurrif-class warships, individually carried hundreds of starfighters (Swarm-class battle droids). Supporting the capital ships were the 45-50 meter long Fw'Sen-class picket ships. The 624-meter long Lwhekk-class manufacturing ships were deployed far to the rear of the battlefield, manufacturing war material for the fleet.


  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
  • The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels



