The story takes place approximately four and a half months before the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and immediately after the comic book series Star Wars: Obsession.
Check out this precursor issue to Revenge of the Sith! With the battle between the Empire [sic] and the Rebel Alliance [sic] heating up, who will prove victorious? An explosive, high-flying adventure you have to read to believe!
The comic's editor, Randy Stradley, originally called the issue Brothers in Arms, before discovering that title had already been used in Republic 50.
Star Wars—Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special falls within the Clone Wars multimedia project, and the issue dates itself to "approximately four and a half months before the events in Revenge of the Sith (immediately after the events in the Star Wars: Obsession series)."
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume 7: When They Were Brothers
- Star Wars Omnibus: Clone Wars Volume 3: The Republic Falls
- Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Clone Wars Vol. 4