Following a shocking political assassination, young Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn is dispatched to prevent the outbreak of a civil war on the homeworld of his Padawan Xanatos—whose father is king. For the headstrong Xanatos, this return to his home has dredged up hidden resentments and passionate emotions. It is a mission that will lead Qui-Gon into close contact with the dark side and start him on a quest that will have a major impact on the future of the Jedi Order!
- Danger and the dark side!
- With the release of Episode I in 3-D, rediscover the great Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn!
Many of the characters and places in Jedi—The Dark Side are based on those that originated in Jude Watson's Jedi Apprentice series by Scholastic: Xanatos, Crion, Tahl, Thani, Landor, etc. The story is an expansion on Watson's introduction of the Telosian Civil War and Xanatos' fall to the dark side upon the "murder" of his father Crion by his Jedi Master.
- ISBN 9781595828408; March 6, 2012; Dark Horse Books; US paperback