Syboona (species)

Syboonas were a species of blue-skinned humanoid sentient beings from the eponymous world of Syboona. They had thin physiques and long limbs, and their heads featured long curved muzzles. Knire Dark was a Syboona who distinguished herself in the sport of Podracing during the final years of the Galactic Republic.

Biology and appearance

Syboonas were a species of stocky humanoid sentient beings, who had long arms and clawed, four-fingered hands as well as wide chests and long, curving muzzles. Their skin was blue, and they stood on legs that ended in four-toed, clawed feet. The head featured red eyes and upright ears.

Society and culture

At least one Syboona, Knire Dark, wore a long garment of green, ornately patterned fabric with yellow designs that wrapped around her head and neck, trailed narrowly down her torso and formed a skirt of sorts at her waist, from which she wore a pair of dark brown trousers.


Knire Dark pilots her green Serabyss Howler 1165.

Knire Dark pilots her green Serabyss Howler 1165.

The Syboona species originated from the world of Syboona in the Danjar sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Knire Dark was a Syboona female and smuggler who ran a contraband storehouse; to cover this up, she also entered into the sport of Podracing, where she distinguished herself in the last years of the Galactic Republic, secretly using her career to ship contraband across the galaxy.

Syboonas in the galaxy

The Podracer and smuggler Knire Dark competed in the Outer Rim Territories-wide Podracing Open in 24 BBY, where she flew a Serabyss Howler 1165 podracer. Her criminal activities influenced her racing style; she was furtive and shy on the circuit, keeping her distance from other pilots and only defending her position when absolutely necessary. The existence of her storehouse was discovered in 22 BBY by Republic agents and was one of several events that tarnished the reputation of the sport. The incident roundly ended her career.

Behind the scenes

Concept art for the Syboona species

Concept art for the Syboona species

The Syboona species first appeared in the 2002 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Racer Revenge and was named in the accompanying strategy guide, written by and . Concept art for the Syboona species in Racer Revenge differs little from Knire Dark's portrayal in game, though she is depicted with a staff of unknown significance in artwork; this item does not appear in the game itself.




