The Brothers were a ruthless and enigmatic slaver organization operating in Mek-Sha in 3627 BBY, based in the Brothers Oversight Center. They were zealots who worshipped labor and considered it freedom as opposed to idleness, which they deemed their enemy. The Brothers deemed war refugees as agents of idleness and hence captured and sold them off as slaves, turning them into forces of labor. The slavers opposed the Galactic Republic, which forbid slavery, and worked with the Sith Empire, becoming their best clients. Through the slave trade, the group became extremely wealthy.
The group was severely weakened when Arn Peralun, a Jedi Padawan, having developed a deep hate for slavery on Dakot Seven, gave into his anger and slew many of the Brothers without his master's consent. Lana Beniko believed that this sudden development would severely harm the Sith Empire's war efforts amid the third Galactic War.
The Brothers were a ruthless and enigmatic slaver organization operating in Mek-Sha in 3627 BBY, based in the Brothers Oversight Center. They were zealots who worshipped labor and considered it freedom as opposed to idleness, which they deemed their enemy. The Brothers deemed war refugees as agents of idleness and hence captured and sold them off as slaves, turning them into forces of labor. The slavers opposed the Galactic Republic, which forbid slavery, and worked with the Sith Empire, becoming their best clients. Through the slave trade, the group became extremely wealthy.
The group was severely weakened when Arn Peralun, a Jedi Padawan, having developed a deep hate for slavery on Dakot Seven, gave into his anger and slew many of the Brothers without his master's consent. Lana Beniko believed that this sudden development would severely harm the Sith Empire's war efforts amid the third Galactic War.