Unidentified Bouncer leader

A Bouncer was the leader of a group of his species on Ruusan in 5 ABY.


Around 2 BBY, he was one of the Bouncers of the group who met Morgan Katarn above Olmondo, and recognised him as a Jedi Knight, told him about the Poem of Ages and led him to the Valley of the Jedi.

By 5 ABY, the Bouncer was a leader of a group. One night they gathered in a rocky area, where they were attacked by a military group of the Imperial Remnant who were after the secrets of Ruusan. The Bouncers were defenseless, but luckily a group of colonists were also there, for the purpose to meet the bouncers, and decided to get involved, which resulted to the death of one of them.

After all the Stormtroopers were incapacitated and the bouncers immobilized the last one, the colonists requested their help: A certain human, Kyle Katarn, who was Morgan's son and a Rebel agent, needed to reach the Valley of the Jedi before the Dark Jedi Jerec who invaded the planet. The Bouncers held a small council. The leader said that they already "help" by killing two of the humans and they couldn't afford this dangerous journey, but allowed one of them to go with them. He ensured Kyle that they will hide and will be all right; they expressed mutual condolences for the death of one of them. The leader didn't express hope for Kyle's success, only repeating the lines of the Poem of Ages, and that it would be fulfilled sooner or later.

Personality and traits

The leader was especially leathery compared to the others.

The leader had belief in the Poem of Ages, and knew that even if Kyle would not succeed, one day it would be fulfilled.

Behind the scenes

The Bouncer leader first appears in the novella Dark Forces: Jedi Knight. His gender is not specified. The narrative mentions that he was present in the events of the first chapter of Dark Forces: Rebel Agent and its audio adaptation where Morgan Katarn meets the Bouncers, but his role, and whether it was he who communicated with Morgan is not clear.

In the audio adaptation of Jedi Knight, is credited as "Bouncer" who talks with Kyle, but dialog doesn't mention him to be a leader. As all Bouncers in both audio adaptations, the Bouncer communicates with an otherwordly voice, not writing as in the novellas. Also, in the audio adaptation it is Floater who repeats the lines of the Poem of Ages.






