Unidentified Tah'Nuhnan

A Tah'Nuhnan individual lived on the Mid Rim planet Tah'Nuhna. Prior to the First Order's attack on the planet, the Tah'Nuhnan reflected on all the Tah'Nuhnan people had done.

The Tah'Nuhnan lived on Tah'Nuhna during the First Order-Resistance War. They witnessed the arrival of the First Order over their planet, which had harbored Resistance members after the Battle of Crait. As First Order ships bombed the planet in retaliation, the Tah'Nuhnan thought about their society's peaceful history, its scientific and cultural achievements, and how it would all be remembered differently after the planet's destruction.


The Tah'Nuhnan lived on Tah'Nuhna during the First Order-Resistance War. They witnessed the arrival of the First Order over their planet, which had harbored Resistance members after the Battle of Crait. As First Order ships bombed the planet in retaliation, the Tah'Nuhnan thought about their society's peaceful history, its scientific and cultural achievements, and how it would all be remembered differently after the planet's destruction.



