Talk: Noash Retrac

First Battle of Coruscant (Yuuzhan Vong War)‎

Hey Shannon.JediKnight! First off, welcome to Wookieepedia, it's always nice to see new users who want to contribute show up :) . Secondly, just a word of of advice...when you open an article, such as the First Battle of Coruscant (Yuuzhan Vong War)‎, and it says that it's Undergoing a major edit, it means that a user (me in this case, :P ) is currently doing a major edit/rewrite of that article. So, when anyone comes across that tag, it's best to just leave the article alone for the time being. However, I do appreciate you removing those ships, as I was going to get around to it eventually. If you do have any other changes that you would like, could you first bring it up on the article's talk page? It would be appreciated! Thanks. Oh! Also, if you feel like chatting with other Wookieepedian's, feel free to join us on our IRC Channel → Wookieepedia:IRC. Cheers, Greyman 01:00, 23 July 2007 (UTC)

User page

Hey Shannon. I just wanted to let you know that your characters section on your user page will likely be in violation of Wookieepedia's user page policy as users are only allowed a maximum of 250 words regarding their fanfiction. If you have any questions, please leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks. 11:33, March 4, 2010 (UTC)


Please avoid posting major spoilers regarding Backlash (or any other soon-to-be-released product, for that matter) without the appropriate spoiler template. I've added the {{Spoiler}} template to two articles you've created, as well as adding the {{Spoiler}} template to Talk:Cha Niathal; please remember to do so in the future. Grand Moff Tranner 21:12, March 4, 2010 (UTC)


Hi Shannon, just reminding you to please stay civil when discussing things on talk pages. We're all just trying to make this Wiki a better place. Thanks! Axinal 14:54, May 6, 2010 (UTC)

Tarnab Senator

While yes, it is possible that the Tarnab Senator was based on Mot-Not Rab, please do not add speculation to Wookieepedia, as only what's directly confirmed should have a place on this site. Thank you. CC7567 03:21, September 11, 2010 (UTC)

YJK - CSF question

Hi Shannon, I was wondering if you could help me with a little research. The Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones articles has an appearance by the Coruscant Security (CSF). However, I don't have the book and so can't say if it was a brief appearance, mention only, or a something more. If you are able, could you look through the book and let me know the details of their appearance. Thanks! Coruscantfan 04:36, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Profile restoration

Hi there. I've gone and restored your profile to its previous version. If there's anything else you need, feel free to message me on my talk page. -- Dr. Porter 09:52, April 9, 2017 (UTC)

  • Hi Shannon, I've created the articles for Ront Byrnloo and Cobb Sonbepol, sorry for the delay. I was just looking into some stuff about Sonbepol's costume before I put them up. Ayrehead02 (talk) 11:16, April 16, 2017 (UTC)

Hello, first I'm using google translator to send the message, I'm sorry if something is wrong, and good, whenever I update one of the pages I put in English, using google, but I honestly do not know what happens, I put In English but you're always telling me that it's in another language, (which in the case is Portuguese my language), well that's it, thank you very much for your attention.


Thank you, Shannon, for the heads-up. At the time I deleted the Santage article, no article linked to it, so I assumed he wasn't mentioned in any canon source. I'll see what I can do about restoring the page. In the meantime, allow me to encourage you to be bold and update the site wherever you find it's missing info. :) Imperators II 10:42, August 2, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Problem attempting to edit

Make sure you capitalize the "Behind the scenes" correctly per our Layout Guide. Imperators II 12:32, August 2, 2017 (UTC)

  • I take it you're using Visual Editor to make these changes. I suggest switching to the source mode (go to your Preferences to do that). I don't know if intentional or not, but you're putting instead of and instead of Imperators II 12:43, August 2, 2017 (UTC)


Hey, Fanty is in Blade Squadron (short story), the quote on his page even comes from the story --Lewisr (talk) 11:22, September 26, 2017 (UTC)

  • Some parts seem to have been altered from the original story to what's on and Fanty is missing as you say, has it been published anywhere else since then? --Lewisr (talk) 11:46, September 26, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Scarif

I didn't reverted, I added "At least" there's been a lot of changes in that page about numbers there's mentions in the novel, Junior novel, movie, etc. Not sure how many there's exactly but adding "At least 3" covers the 3 seen plus any other that's mentioned in another source or if it appears in another shot--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 08:50, November 10, 2017 (UTC)

Sourcing stuff

Hello, no problem always happy to help! If you need help learning how to source then check out this link --Lewisr (talk) 12:18, January 6, 2018 (UTC)

Commanders in Lists

Hello, yeah I tend to agree with you, it just seems anyone with a high rank was just added when its really not necessary, I pretty much agree with the suggestions you mentioned, I'd also say Battle of Jakku needs a clean up too, we can probably Thane and Iden off New Republic and then Pierson, Groff off Empire/remnant at the very least --Lewisr (talk) 03:14, April 1, 2018 (UTC)

  • You don't need to ask for permission! You can make any edits you want --Lewisr (talk) 03:24, April 1, 2018 (UTC)


As I said on Lewis page, he's not an admin and something you agreed with him does not speaks for everyone. Commanders and senior officers present on the battles have always been added since the old EU pages, although some of them does not have a big role they're still commanders. Red or Gold leaders are the commanders of the unit, Micha Evon is the commander of the Twilight Company. Also the other user who reverted before said something important "Personally", personally you think they're unnecessary the other user does not agree with it, this kind of changes are sometimes the ones that bring revert problems because they've always been done one way, list every senior offficer/commander of unit on the infobox. Agreeing with one user does not represent what others might think, you might get enough people to support the removal. Also reader tend to look there for "Important" people that participated on the battle, while for editors might be easy to cut down the list, some readers like the list of "important" people. And its not about adding every single pilot since they do not have an officer comission. --DarthRuiz30 (talk) 08:06, April 2, 2018 (UTC)

  • There's no specification on the template to what its worthy to be on Commanders, but I understand what you're saying. Said that, I don't think we should removed them, personally I prefer to see all senior officers and unit commanders. Please just next time try to use the article talk page to address that kind of things, not everything should be asked, but stuff that has been done for a long time in a certain way should definitely at least mentioned--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 08:42, April 2, 2018 (UTC)


Please don't do it, you're doing big changes just because you don't like the way it looks, I asked readers not editors about it and they prefer having the list of high ranking officers. The section is called commanders not leaders or theatre commanders and by that logic the Imperial side wouldn't have anyone else than Palpatine and Sloane, since Palpatine is in charge of everything. Even status articles use this format.--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 17:49, April 9, 2018 (UTC)


Hello, I added what Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (paperback novel) says about Telsij‎ --Lewisr (talk) 03:17, April 16, 2018 (UTC)

Why you removed that Crix Madine was general in Battle of Endor? --Goodmind (talk) 13:18, November 11, 2019 (UTC)

Aurore-class freighter

Hi there Noash, please verify that your information is correct before reverting someone's edits. The ship used in Revival is clearly the Aurore and not the turtle tanker. There's no need to edit war over this. RattsT (talk) 07:45, August 15, 2020 (UTC)

  • We all make mistakes. In the future, make an effort to have a respectful conversation with another user instead of resorting to condescending edit summaries. Things will always work out smoother that way. Thank you. RattsT (talk) 09:01, August 15, 2020 (UTC)


Please use edit summaries for helpful messages. Writing in all caps "Wrong Ship" isn't helpful at all. If there's a disagreement please reach out to the user.--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 08:18, August 15, 2020 (UTC)

Mon Mothma

The source doesn't explicitly say 46 BBY, it only says 46 years before the Rogue One mission. So Mothma's page needs a written date note that says she was born 46 years before the Battle of Scarif which is dated to 0 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas or something like that --Lewisr (talk) 15:28, October 4, 2020 (UTC)

  • Sure, I've added it in for you! --Lewisr (talk) 00:25, October 5, 2020 (UTC)

Glimmer of Hope

Hey there! Its the name of a rebel ship in "A Rebel Bounty" used by Kallus --Lewisr (talk) 17:17, 1 January 2021 (UTC)


Hey Noash, when removing content from infoboxes please make sure that you do not leave any broken references on the article. Similarly, if you remove a link from the infobox please make sure that the link does not need to be re-added somewhere else in the infobox. Thank you. VergenceScatter (talk) 07:27, 18 May 2021 (UTC)

Four tildes

Greetings! Just to let you know when you sign your comments here you need to use the four tildes ~~~~ rather than three, which appears to be what you've used when signing stuff on the thread. This is per the first rule listed here. Please keep that in mind for the future. Thanks! Braha'tok enthusiast 06:24, 22 May 2021 (UTC)


Hey Noash, you might already be aware of this, but I just wanted to let you know that we have a Discord server that you should feel free to join. It could make discussing things like your Senate Hall thread a little easier. VergenceScatter (talk) 05:58, 23 May 2021 (UTC)

I counted up the cr90 Corvette by watching the battle in slow motion I have taken several screenshots and circled and numbered the Corvettes On the casualty edits even after watching the battle of scarif 10+Including twice in slow motion and cannot find a scene of a cr90 Corvette or Braha'tok-class gunship Being destroyed

Battle strength

Hey there, I have not been doing such a thing. But I think in general we need to have a discussion about what exactly to include/not include because the infoboxes can easily get massively bloated Lewisr (talk) 14:25, 16 October 2022 (UTC)
