Talk: Lewisr

Do you know what is meant by underlinking issues in infobox here? I don't see any link to add to infobox that wouldn't be a duplicate --Goodmind (talk) 18:48, 3 November 2023 (UTC)

Do you think the page would be better at , or is the current name the most formal? --Goodmind (talk) 14:38, 20 November 2023 (UTC)

Information about Rystall Sant

I would like to talk about Rystall if that is ok? I noticed that Rystall had appearances in Lego Star Wars stories involving Boba Fett. Well I thought that I would point out there is a mystery red haired character in chapter 16 of The Mandalorian the Rescue episode. However the red haired character appears in the background to the right of Bib Fortuna. Not sure the red haired character is Rystall though. Have you noticed the red haired girl in chapter 16 of The Mandalorian if you have do you think it could be Rystall since she appears Lego Star Wars that involve Boba Fett? If it is Rystall in the episode The Rescue then why hasn't the information be added to the wiki yet if it is her in the episode?JEFrank (talk) 1:43 April 17 2024

I'm more interested in knowing if the red haired girl from chapter 16 of The Mandalorian is Rystall? The only reason why I mentioned about Lego adventures involving Boba Fett because if is Rystall in those Lego episodes and in chapter 16 of The Mandalorian then that must mean she is apart of Boba Fett's Gotra if it is her. JEFrank (talk) 2:01 April 17 2024

It seems likely that it is her but what do you think? Do you think we will ever get a source confirming that the Theelin dancer is Rystall? JEFrank (talk) 2:26 April 17 2024

Oola and the Max Rebo Band

So I noticed how Oola's mentions about Sy Snootles, Joh Yowza Rystall, Greeata and Lyn Me's reactions to Oola death and how they were shocked. In the comic War of the Bounty Hunters the band members Rystall, Lyn Me and Greeata are glad that Luke killed the Rancor Rystall says "That dashing man in black killed the Rancor!" While Lyn Me says "He did it to avenge Oola." Lyn Me then says "Let me have my fantasy." When Greeata says that Luke didn't kill the Rancor to avenge Oola. I have also noticed that there are quite few behind the scenes photos of Oola, Lyn Me, Rystall and Greeata together almost like they are all friends. Between them posing for photos together, their shock about Oola's death and Lyn Me saying that Oola was avenged when Luke killed the Rancor. I was wondering with all that information would it be ok if someone added information that talks about the relationship or rather friendship between Oola and the the female members of the Max Rebo? JEFrank (talk) 4:36 April 17 2024

Could you help me I am trying to add the source of War of the Bounty Hunters 5 to Oola, Lyn Me, Greeata and Rystall's pages but I am having no luck with that. Could help me add th War of the Bounty Hunters 5 source to their pages? JEFrank (talk) 7:09 April 17 2024

Ok thank you sorry that I said War of the Bounty Hunters rather than Max Rebo 1 I got the two of them mixed up. JEFrank (talk) 11:37 April 18 2024

Information about Oola

I found a few things about Oola in the novel Beware the Power of the Dark Side. In the book it says There is a moment now a split second for her to realize how dearly she will pay for her refusal to cuddle with the monster. She looks up willing to do anything Jabba asks now willing to beg for mercy. This confirms that Oola didn't want to die so I was wondering if you could add this information to her page. JEFrank (talk) 12:13 February 9 2024 (UTC)

Star Wars Outlaws

Aside from the mysterious unknown green Twi'lek that was shown in the trailer of the game. I thought that I would point out that I saw the of someone sitting on Jabba's throne with him I wonder if it could be Oola I mean the shadow of the character doesn't look like a Twi'lek but it could be her or do you think the green Twi'lek could be Oola? JEFrank (talk) 9:35 April 16 2024

To bad I can't send photos of the green Twi'lek in the game and the shadowy figure on Jabba's throne to see people can confirm if one of those two characters is actually Oola. JEFrank (talk) 10:02 April 16 2024

Yeah the Twi'lek doesn't look like Oola but there is a shadow of someone sitting on the left side of Jabba's throne that could be Oola or maybe not. I personally want to see Oola in the game but I think that the chances of that are not very high high. JEFfank (talk) 10:36 April 16 2024

Changes Oola has gone through

I feel like the people working for Disney Star Wars are limiting Oola's appearances in the Star Wars universe. I mean they changed her outfit a few times in some of the comics and in Star Wars Kinect making her outfit less revealing. There have even been a few changes where collar and leash have been removed a few times. I think that maybe the creators are trying to avoid the whole slavery girl thing because in Doctor Aphra annual 3 it looks like Oola had more freedom to move around in Jabba's palace she wasn't chained up like a slave. JEFrank (talk) 10:58 April 16 2024

Max Rebo Band comic

Max Rebo mentions that Oola has a sister but not just a sister he also says that Oola has two nieces in the comic book. So I am wondering why you deleted the information that mentions that Oola has two nieces when Max Rebo confirms this in the comic? JEFrank (talk) 9:50 April 16 2024

I need help with something

I was wondering if you could help me with something? It involves editing Oola's page see I am trying to add Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Companion to her page under notes and references but I don't know how to add it to her page. So could you help me with add Star Wars: The Essential Reader 'S Companion to her page? JEFrank (talk) 4:17 April 7 2024

Yeah I mean add something from the book like the line "Oola continued to Jabba's palace, selfishly would become wealthy". JEFrank (talk) 4:39 April 7 2024

Thanks for the help I added the selfish part from The Essential Reader's Companion and added callous from Fact File 96. I hope that it is ok that I added those two words to her page? JEFrank (talk) 8:10 April 7 2024


I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean by my main page or what you're really asking me to do? I'm not creating fanon or fanon articles but using my Workbench to sort fanon from canon/legends to help me delete fanon from Wookieepedia and reclassify pages as ambiguously canon where I'm identifying them. As you can see I'm removing redlinks from my workbench as I go so they don't clog up Special:WantedPages... Celestial oubliette (talk) 03:37, 7 November 2023 (UTC)

  • Are you saying I need to move the Workbench to ? I thought the purpose of having a Workbench was so I could work on stuff without accidently editing real pages with constant edits? Celestial oubliette (talk) 03:46, 7 November 2023 (UTC)


I'd be careful with 'em if I were you.

And he/she/they isn't/aren't alone too. I'm sayin' watch out for 'em in general, on any different fandom, including the dubbing if you're ever on that wiki. This post on Twitter I made will tell you otherwise.

Karkan ribene

Hi, I did not find any evidence in the game that it's Trandoshan-related. So if you check in the books, this information should be removed. Best, Hk 47 (talk) 10:17, 13 November 2023 (UTC)

Lightsabers vs first/second/third

What's the difference between Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers and something like Obi-Wan Kenobi's second lightsaber, is it just because she wields them together? --Goodmind (talk) 13:27, 13 November 2023 (UTC)

  • There's also Leia Organa Solo's lightsabers, which sound like different lightsabers. I'm trying to figure out if there's consistent rule for multiple sabers, or should I just go with cautionary option of just making two pages --Goodmind (talk) 03:33, 14 November 2023 (UTC)

Unidentified Imperial governor (Madelin Sun)


Karkan stew

Char rat

Nexus of Power non-canon section

Lewisr, do you think covering that section under Revan Mythologies as myth analagous to Qel-Droma Epics a bridge too far? Or is "The tales within this section should be treated merely as inspiration for Game Masters and players who want to use this material to establish a deep history for their characters’ universe, and should not be treated as canonical truth." too definitive a statement? --Goodmind (talk) 08:51, 16 November 2023 (UTC)

Unidentified pit fighter (Tasu Leech)

Unidentified Jedi seeker



  • That is two sources out of many since the 2009 The Essential Atlas. Even Dan Wallace co-author of the Atlas changed his stance in 2013 and in published sources co-authored by him re-established the ambiguity and in one source even outright stated that they were 1 of 3 species "suspected" of possibly being the Celestials. It's called a retcon. If anyone had even bothered to have read the pages I attempted to fix instead of just reverting to pages back with WRONG citations we wouldn't be in this mess. (ONCE AGAIN THE SW.COM ENCYCLOPEDIA NEVER SAID THEY WERE CELESTIALS THOSE ARE FANON CITATIONS SOMEBODY ELSE ADDED TO THE INFOBOX. CHECK FOR YOURSELF.) I spent most of yesterday hashing this out with User:Goodmind only for my efforts to cleanup those pages be thrown in the trash. It's not just my edits. Over the past few days all I've seen are quick reversions by long time users who are too lazy to check or don't even own the cited sources. You people are driving what's left of the fanbase away from this site. Celestial oubliette (talk) 05:17, 18 November 2023 (UTC)

Unidentified University of Bar'leth dean

Intelligence chief

Is Wullf Yularen included as Intelligence chief in Tarkin or is this just an inference based on ANH? --Goodmind (talk) 20:03, 20 November 2023 (UTC)

Dark Lords of the Sith

Do you know which canon source calls both Sith in the Rule of Two, Dark Lords? --Goodmind (talk) 09:54, 22 November 2023 (UTC)


"After the tragic events of Valo, Elzar Mann took a respite on the moon of Tython to recuperate before returning to Starlight Beacon." Is this passage from Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi accurate to The High Republic: The Rising Storm? Ashla (moon) seems to say something else. --Goodmind (talk) 16:05, 22 November 2023 (UTC)

Tython region

Do you think this passage from Shadow of the Sith would count as a separate region like Unidentified region on Alderaan. "That was why the Jedi of ancient times had built the Martyrium of Frozen Tears in the planet’s Meridonal ice cap, and here, in a more temperate region, a very special temple indeed." --Goodmind (talk) 21:03, 22 November 2023 (UTC)

Sabat in Andor

Hi Lewisr! I was wondering where in Saw Gerrera's hideout you saw a Sabat? I can see the meftian, gigoran, and tognath but I couldn't find anyone matching the Sabat head shape. Could you provide a time stamp? Thanks! --Crowbuster (talk) 21:29, 23 November 2023 (UTC)

  • Ah I see thanks for explaining! --Crowbuster (talk) 00:02, 24 November 2023 (UTC)


How do I add a source?

Newer sources vs multiple sources

Do you remember if the policy of newer source taking precedence by default, while multiple sources repeating information takes precedence over newer source is codified somewhere? --Goodmind (talk) 19:58, 24 November 2023 (UTC)

I wish Red Blade didn't give us a number of survivors either, capping something like that seems weird. Also it's just another example of how hard numbers and circa dates creep into official sources --Goodmind (talk) 21:05, 25 November 2023 (UTC)


Dawn of Rebellion

Hey Lewisr, if you have access to Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide, can you provide me what it says about the Venator Guardian, JT-731 Broadhorn transport, and the Imperial Prison Transport? --Vitus Infinitus 04:19, 27 November 2023 (UTC)

Planet image preference

Is there some kind of preference of map images over landscape image for planet's main image if orbit shot isn't available? --Goodmind (talk) 19:36, 27 November 2023 (UTC)

Missing Pieces

Can you please add upcoming Short Story Tales of Enlightenment: Missing Pieces to Timeline of canon media next time you edit? Thanks!

Can you also add upcoming Short Story Untitled Tales from the Occlusion Zone story? Thanks.


Asgar Ro's father

Asgar Ro's grandfather

Imri Cantaros' father

Imri Cantaros' mother

Jezra'lin's older sibling

Milvayne Tagge Corporation warehouse

Port Haileap library

Ghost groups

Are Force Priestesses the only case of a group of ghosts getting a page? --Goodmind (talk) 07:18, 3 December 2023 (UTC)

  • I'm wondering how much notability the cases like this would need to get a page, especially if there isn't any information on individual ghosts --Goodmind (talk) 02:29, 4 December 2023 (UTC)

Ok, should I place Sith group in Category:Force ghosts or is it only for individuals? --Goodmind (talk) 14:57, 8 December 2023 (UTC)

  • Do you think "Eventually, his search led him to Korriban and the Valley of the Dark Lords—the burial place of the ancient Sith rulers. There, the spirits of these long-dead lords manifested themselves and anointed Kun the new Dark Lord of the Sith: the prophet who would revive the lost glory of their fallen Empire." from Heritage of the Sith implies Dark Lords from issue 3 and 6 are the same, or is it just typo, since Kun is anointed on Empress Teta, not on Korriban, in issue 6. --Goodmind (talk) 10:32, 10 December 2023 (UTC)

Mael fish


Guardians of Javin

Hela fish

Vishla's crew

Unidentified pit fighter (Ragon)

Bubble shark

Jekaran shark

Bombardment on Polis Massa


Ancient scripts

Do you know what's going on with these two pages Unidentified ancient script and Sith alphabet? --Goodmind (talk) 09:10, 11 December 2023 (UTC)

  • How would they be confirmed? Isn't that just a visual thing? --Goodmind (talk) 16:25, 11 December 2023 (UTC)
  • I don't understand what would need to be confirmed? --Goodmind (talk) 16:33, 11 December 2023 (UTC)
  • Why Anil deleted it? ... --Goodmind (talk) 20:41, 11 December 2023 (UTC)

Imara Vex's parents

Carbonite Scum and Villainy

Do you have Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious and know who's writing the carbonite/Krath/sleeper ship section of the book? --Goodmind (talk) 12:08, 12 December 2023 (UTC)

Are there more concrete sources for Era of the Sith? The shrine implies they ruled pretty much as soon as the schism happened (unless circa dates are inaccurate) --Goodmind (talk) 14:30, 12 December 2023 (UTC)

Nouane engagement

Am I reading the book wrong? Is Nouane engagement same as Attack on the Nouane system or an earlier event? --Goodmind (talk) 11:40, 13 December 2023 (UTC)

Jango Fett 1

Star Wars: Jango Fett (comic series) still needs to be created. Rakhsh (talk) 19:30, 13 December 2023 (UTC)


Do you know where Faya Rodemos and Yanjon Zelmar are in Propaganda and what GE says about Era of the Sith? Also I don't seem to find how the era is mentioned in Propaganda --Goodmind (talk) 20:46, 13 December 2023 (UTC)

Do you think Shrine in the Depths date note is fine, or is the one at 5000 BBY better? --Goodmind (talk) 14:46, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

"close to five thousand" can mean anything from 4900 to 5000, also was already deleted before --Goodmind (talk) 16:37, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

Isn't circa already used like "close to"? --Goodmind (talk) 16:49, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

I don't know, ask Imperators why 5014 BBY was deleted? --Goodmind (talk) 17:09, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

Ok, I can't write a date note anyway --Goodmind (talk) 17:16, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

"The two of them were in Sidious's lair, a small rock-walled enclosure beneath the deepest of the Palace's several sublevels that had once been an ancient Sith shrine." Does this say the several sublevels or the small rock-walled enclosure had been the shrine? --Goodmind (talk) 17:21, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

Are the Sith Wars really meant to be a page that is just collection of wars with the Sith and not the specific thing the Chiss talk about? --Goodmind (talk) 19:25, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

There's 3650 BBY which I guess makes it distinct. But Timelines just says "wars of the ancient Republic" --Goodmind (talk) 19:30, 15 December 2023 (UTC)

Does this excerpt "In the far distant past of the Old Republic, back during the ancient Sith Empire, Sith and Jedi had often warred for control of these vergeances. The Sith had held this one first." in Into the Dark sound like it implies Sith Empire built the shrine and ruled the galaxy? Or is this too vague? --Goodmind (talk) 16:02, 17 December 2023 (UTC)

Abda's brother's wedding

Recapture of Ubrikkia

Recapture of Ookbat

Fiasco on Ryloth

Mid Rim uprisings


Which canon is ? It seems to mix canons so I'm not sure if it should just be in External links --Goodmind (talk) 19:11, 17 December 2023 (UTC)

  • Sorry to interject, but these types of "top ten" articles are just blog posts that don't give any unique information so they shouldn't be listed on Wookieepedia, not even under "External links," per WP:LG/IU. OOM224 19:22, 17 December 2023 (UTC)

Altor-class supply ship

Ashmead's Lock

Life Debt says "And it crashed into the surface of Kashyyyk, where it sat for hundreds, even thousands of years." about Ashmead's Lock. Do you think how it's currently worded on the page is fine, since it's not definitive on whether it's centuries or thousands? Also "Old Republic days" is usually referring to the Republic predating the modern Republic, or is that not the case during the Imperial Era and beyond, where Old Republic can mean the movies' Galactic Republic? --Goodmind (talk) 18:16, 19 December 2023 (UTC)

Wullf Yularen

On the Wullf Yularen page, you edited out a referenced in the sidebar about his homeworld stating "not mentioned in Timelines". There's another bit about his homeworld further into the article, but I don't have the Timelines book, so can't easily verify which parts of the information there are or aren't correct. Can you take a look at that and see if you're able to resolve it? Many thanks -- Sulfur (talk) 14:29, 20 December 2023 (UTC)

Unidentified droid mechanic (Kijimi)

Endor arachnid

yeah, I wasn't sure how to address that. It's not really an issue with the page, but an objection to the nonexistence of a related page. Not sure, also seems like it would be identical with the page itself. For sentient species don't we disallow separate pages for unidentified individuals of unidentified species? seems like a fortiori the same would hold for non-sentient beings. Just my thought. I said that, and he simply disagreed. I suppose I could wait for an official pronouncement from the powers that be; but even then it still strikes me as an objection that pertains only indirectly to the arachnid page. Thanks bruthaGenralHux (talk) 15:50, 21 December 2023 (UTC) −


Unidentified guild

Unidentified temple (Glee Anselm)

Moraband and Onderon

As far as I'm aware there's nothing in canon linking Moraband and Hundred-Year Darkness except the Sith homeworld statement, is that true? Also can I assume the Legends version of Royal court of Onderon appeared in TCW too? I'm not sure why the canon Royal Court of Onderon is sourced to be a planetary government to TCW episode, is that accurate? --Goodmind (talk) 23:56, 22 December 2023 (UTC)

  • It's probably going off precedents like Royal House of Naboo, not sure how we determine if something is a planetary government. I think a royal court would technically be a part of the monarchy, not the government itself? --Goodmind (talk) 01:51, 23 December 2023 (UTC)
  • "homeworld of Sith Order" is as far as I've seen any source go (aka just repeating what episode said), I haven't seen it spelled out, but HYD says Sith Order was created during it. So would that be still speculation? --Goodmind (talk) 02:06, 23 December 2023 (UTC)
  • I mean I haven't seen any explicit source about Moraband and birth of the Sith, only that Sith Order was born during HYD and Moraband sources say it's homeworld of the Sith Order. --Goodmind (talk) 02:34, 23 December 2023 (UTC)

Battle in the Ruusan system

Bombing on Chorgad

Hyperdrive converter


Is there something like Template:Image for audio files? --Goodmind (talk) 10:54, 25 December 2023 (UTC)

I could've been someoneWell so could anyone, you tooka dream from me…


Kin Dragen

Unidentified First Order security personnel

Template:Surname and others of the like

Greetings Lewisr,

Sorry if this was ever brought up before, or elsewhere, but I feel one's personal experience would be better insight, taking from the fact you were the most recent contributor to . My question is, while there is a template for surnames aka last names, is there a situation for first names? Presuming that such matters aren't necessary, since majority of characters whose full name(s) aren't revealed are usually known by their last names. Unless of course I'm mistaken? Please let me know your thoughts (if any) on the subject. -- CJSFan 19:46, 16 January 2024 (UTC)

Alliances 1 preview

Hey Lewisr, why did you remove this preview: EXCLUSIVE Marvel First Look: Star Wars: Thrawn Alliances #1 by David Brooke on AIPT (December 15, 2023) from articles I created. On the page it says that it is an official Marvel preview, and it does indeed picture the relevant subjects, so why did you remove it? ThrawnChiss7 01:24, 20 January 2024 (UTC)

  • There is BTs info: the fact that it was first pictured. If any of those articles were ever to be SANomed, they would have to mention that they where first depicted in the excerpt. ThrawnChiss7 02:20, 20 January 2024 (UTC)


{Rover paul (talk) 12:28, 23 January 2024 (UTC)} bad batch trailer with her appearance people saying dark disciple been retconned before bad batch has even aired this appearance could be anything people jumping the gun saying the book didn’t happen if they just gonna keep resurrecting people or retconning pointless killing them off in the first place what’s your take on this but we’ll know when it comes out (Rover paul (talk) 12:28, 23 January 2024 (UTC) just remembered in the book when ventress is laid to rest the water changed color and a mist began to rise this could have been her being resurrected ( 13:26, 23 January 2024 (UTC))

Aphra bounty hunter

{Rover paul (talk) 02:31, 27 January 2024 (UTC)} apperantly this is not right not happening someone found on Reddit and Alyssa Wong reposted it on Twitter {Rover paul (talk) 02:31, 27 January 2024 (UTC)}

Thank you

Thank you for explaining why that must be image. I didn't know it is by voting. mb

  • You're welcome, glad to help! Lewisr () 01:06, 10 February 2024 (UTC)

Head's up

Hey lewisr, I know you are really active in creating new pages and updating canon appearances, so I just wanted to let you know that I created the page T-65 X-wing starfighter, because not all T-65 X-wings that are seen can be assumed to be T-65B X-wing starfighters. I also created a general Lambda-class shuttle page per BMF 22 but all known versions are T-4as; so it's fine to just list everything as a T-4a. ThrawnChiss7 22:51, 14 February 2024 (UTC)

Abda's brother's spouse

Vroma's mothers

Massage droid


Rorak 5



Amilyn Holdo's friend

Meiloorun Sunset

D'Armin Syndicate

New stories for Timeline

Eiram government

Thought the majority of the books she I referred to as Queen Adrialla. Never as "queen regent." There appears to be one line where the author mistakenly refers to her as a regent, but even then she is still referred to as "Queen Adrialla" in that very sentence. Therefore I believe it is most accurate to have her named "Queen Adrialla" in this article as she is never actually called "Queen regent Adrialla." Do you have any sources that call her fully "Queen regent Adrialla"? Thank you!

Gortus 4 colony

Construction Division

Gamorrean Moonshine

Unidentified bounty

Wookieepedia SAN Awards 2023


Imperators II 19:22, 13 March 2024 (UTC)

Unidentified supply ship

Hadros Vipers

Attack on a Tagge Corporation supply ship

Keshk Corporation

Spice rum

Hamato Xiono

Only messaging you here since you aren't in the Discord server, but I just wanted to let you know that your objection regarding the podcast on Hamato Xiono has been addressed. Usually I wouldn't press and just let nature run its course but since I already responded to the objection before I had fully addressed it and you won't be notified by a Discord ping after ten days, I thought it pertinent to inform you directly. - Thannus (talk) 18:18, 14 March 2024 (UTC)

Keshk lunar colony

Engagement on Carlac


Raid on Krupx Munitions

Engagement in the Dreighton Nebula

Yo Lew, re: these changes, I checked the actual article and the dash in the page title is a regular dash, not a ndash or an mdash. Cade Calrayn 04:17, 17 March 2024 (UTC)

IP that keeps reverting

Hello Lewis, I have an issue, since you are an experienced editor, you can help me better in this case what I am going to tell you: What happens is that in the pages Clone Force 99 and Confined, I removed the statement that Clone Force 99 appeared in the episode "Confined" as organization, if you can see in my contributions, my argument of that removal was that Omega and Crosshair were in process of reuniting with Hunter and Wrecker, who were the two active members in that time period, and that they weren't in Clone Force 99, they formally rejoined Clone Force 99 when they reunited with Hunter and Wrecker in the episode "A Different Approach", when the team Clone Force 99 formally appears in. Furthermore, in the following cases the mentioned pages here originally stated other thing, but I changed it (I will explain the reason below), in the first case in the pages Shadows of Tantiss and Clone Force 99 originally wasn't stated that Clone Force 99 as appeared organization in the episode Shadows of Tantiss, in the second case in the articles about events regarding the escape from Omega and Crosshair "Escape from Tantiss" and "Skirmish and Lau" originally in the side 1 Omega and Crosshair, and Batcher didn't appeared as Clone Force 99. The thing is that an IP reverted me twice that edit because according to him/her they were imprisoned members of the Bad Batch, when deep down I feel that is wrong. After the argument of the IP the administrator DarthRuiz30, who is Spanish speaker just like me wrote me a message in my talk page about a warning of the Three-Revert Rule, perhaps it was in general on the pages that I have made mistakes or these ones, but I was thinking that the main reason of the warning was the removal of statement of Clone Force 99 appearence in the episode "Confined", so to avoid further disputes I edited these things, I modified the articles Clone Force 99 and Shadows of Tantiss, and I added Clone Force 99 as appeared organization in the episode Shadows of Tantiss, and I modified those two events mentioned above. But the thing is that I got a second thought and I think I was right, but I want to discuss that with an experienced editor like you so you can guide both me and the IP that was keeping reverting me, you know that I already have a few years of experience, but the arguments of the IP that was reverting me perhaps have some true in it, we can discuss it with an admin if you want. So based on what I told you, I was right on removing Clone Force 99 as appeared organization and I revert my edits on those two events regarding Omega and Crosshair reunion with Hunter and Wrecker or that that the IP was right and the addition of the statement that Clone Force 99 appeared in Shadow on Tantiss despite Omega and Crosshair were prisoned to avoid disputes, what it is then? Pablo Morales 2020 (talk) 04:26, 18 March 2024 (UTC)

Project page2

Just wanted to let you know that your subpage User:Lewisr/Project page2 uses {{Char-stub}} and is thus in the main space category Category:Character stubs; this should be updated whenever you have time. ThrawnChiss7 02:53, 20 March 2024 (UTC)

Ambush on Taris

Arva Pars

Seventh Sister's Possible Jedi Master

  • I know that the Seventh Sister trained WITH Aayla Secura. I know that we still don't know who the former's Jedi master is. But it's possible Aayla's padawan was the Seventh Sister. - MaxPokemon10
  • Tales of the Empire further proves that Barriss Offee is *not* the Seventh Sister. It looks like Barriss joined the Inquisitors willingly and the Seventh Sister, as revealed in Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, was somehow forced to become a Jedi hunter. - MaxPokemon10
  • The Seventh Sister was broken. It begs the questions of how the Empire broke her. - MaxPokemon10
  • When you read the Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, how did you feel when it said that there was something broken about Seventh Sister and the Empire shattered something inside of her? - MaxPokemon10
  • Unlike Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother, there was NO indication that the Seventh Sister willingly embraced the dark side. - MaxPokemon10
  • There is also another hint in the Inquisitor novel to the Seventh Sister being tortured and broken like Trilla, Tualon, and Ninth Sister. When she was electrocuting Iskat, she said, "That's for my hand. But this is for me." The first sentence was referring to an ID9 shocking her hand and the next is referring to the other droids electrocuting her entire body. When Seventh Sister said "this is for me", it is implying she was electrocuted on a torture chair. - MaxPokemon10
  • You what is funny? The Seventh Sister purred in the Inquisitor novel. She is like a cat! HA HA HA! Am I right? - MaxPokemon10
  • The Inquisitor novel gave us more hints the Seventh Sister was forced to become an inquisitor against her will. - MaxPokemon10
  • I read that Iskat sensed all Inquisitors were broken. But, Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother felt like themselves. It begs the question of why Seventh Sister did not. - MaxPokemon10
  • Again, the Inquisitor novel said Fifth Brother and Grand Inquisitor felt like themselves. Iskat saw Seventh Sister felt like a "blade that ached for blood" and there was something broken about her. It makes sense if she was forced to become an inquisitor against her will. - MaxPokemon10
  • I am sorry to repeat this. Before Jedi: Battle Scars, Fifth Brother was shown to be calm and mentally himself. When the Jedi novel released, it revealed he joined the Empire voluntarily. So, that explains his behavior as an inquisitor. The book logically showed how A led to B. As for his partner, Seventh Sister, she may be calm but she is definitely acting messed up and animalistic. She even hinted she was tortured by the Empire while electrocuting Iskat. If Seventh Sister is acting like this, The Empire must have done something terrible. - MaxPokemon10
  • I saw Tales of the Empire! It was AWESOME! There you have it - Seventh Sister is not Barriss Offee! - MaxPokemon10
  • Do you think third part of the Tales anthology series will be about Inquisitors? - MaxPokemon10
  • It was established that Vos was Aayla's master. Again, *if* Aayla were to be Seventh Sister's Jedi master, the latter could have a connection with Vos. - MaxPokemon10
  • The Seventh Sister is barely a character to begin with. Most of the other Inquisitors got enough characterization. What about Seventh Sister? Like she is a major fan favorite. - MaxPokemon10
  • The Seventh Sister cruelly chuckled after seeing Fifth Brother getting hit with a sconce by Iskat. I was thinking Seventh Sister got horrifically tortured than Trilla and Ninth Sister. - MaxPokemon10
  • Iskat believed the reason the Seventh Sister is needlessly relishing in the pain of others and what she's doing is because of the torture she went through before becoming an Inquisitor. Iskat didn't dare talk about it with Seventh Sister, but how was she able to find out something broken inside her? - MaxPokemon10
  • Star Wars: Inquisitors is coming in less than 2 months! Are you excited? - MaxPokemon10
  • The second issue of Star Wars: Inquisitors is going to be about Fifth Brother. I think either the third or last issue will focus on Seventh Sister. MaxPokemon10
  • Star Wars: Inquisitors is coming in 2 weeks! Are you excited? - MaxPokemon10
  • Heck Yeah! - MaxPokemon10
  • I saw Seventh Sister is definitely gonna be in the third issue of Inquisitors along with Ninth Sister. Maybe they are going to reveal a fair amount of the Seventh Sister's past. - MaxPokemon10


Keshk lunar colony strikes

Life-fasting bracelet

The Pinnacle (Galactic Republic)

Night market

Di'reni's mother

Grass frog


Unidentified shipping heir

Third Cataclysm

Korfo II

Bombing on Caviness IV

Unidentified outpost (Nihil)

Pamalonia Graf

Unidentified individual (Syphacc)

Commander Faie

in the book Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy Faie is pictured as the commander leading the 41st Elite Corps after the deaths of Clone Commander Gree and Clone Captain Jek of the Ranger Corps GormCyborg (talk) 02:55, 29 March 2024 (UTC)


The book states that faie is using All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports with 41st Ranger Platoon and the only commander we see in Revenge of the Sith is Unidentified Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper officer so it can be reduced that clone is Faie GormCyborg (talk) 03:56, 29 March 2024 (UTC)


you're right i try to connect the Dots with the information we got but we need more clarification first GormCyborg (talk) 04:30, 29 March 2024 (UTC)

Attack at an outpost near Tiikae

Ambush on Burnin Konn


Unidentified Weequay Path of the Open Hand member

Unidentified museum (Jedha)

Attack on Thelj

Barash Silvain's family

Jerid's mother

Unidentified Galactic Republic senator

Barash Silvain's parents

Porter Engle's family


Jacinda Graf's personal secretary

Unidentified Jedi (senator)

Joral San Tekka

Temple on Dubrovia

Job on Klynan

Unidentified Lord of the Sith

Seeker's Crown

Temple on Sag Kemper

Shea Ganandra and Geth's daughter

Moon of Grast

(Rover paul (talk) 23:41, 8 April 2024 (UTC)) got my edits reverted again even the trade collections cause it still April 8 in USA they should realise not everyone is in the USA why should we have to go of their time no one else bothers about it when I do the comics (23:41, 8 April 2024 (UTC))


Bitmus Cloud

Unidentified donor

Sherche La Plenn


Evelyn Qwisp

Unidentified Jedi (civil war)

Unidentified planetary civil war

Moon of Barroth


Downtown BC




Carrion serpent

Unidentified chef (Enlightenment)


Gaja bird


Vharn's sister

Treze's older sister

Unidentified Colicoid queen


Unidentified Theelin family

Unidentified Theelin family's ship

Corellian roach

Pan Eyta's informer

Vharn's father

Unidentified temple (Naratar)

Unidentified star system (Marda Ro)

Port Mackie

Moons of Dutar

Leebon's shuttle

Furball Two

Unidentified species (Rigariam)

Unidentified security officer

Krinjaffi syndrome

Kiapene trading post

Beltire Liberation

Bromlarch outpost

Derra Outpost

Unidentified Hoopaloo

Job on Alzoc III

Flower serpent

Moon fish

Grizal's moon

Zaviel Tepp

Roalj Temple

Dent's second cousin

Mamba melon

Unidentified Jedi librarian

Unidentified poisoner


Naboo mining disaster

Unidentified Hynestian queen (Avon Starros)

Wisp spider

Battle near Genetia

Hovea Nuket IV

Marda and Yana Ro's grandparents

Falthina Sharest's sister

Unidentified freighter company

Falthina Sharest's grandmother

Purry (Kirkeide Station)

Bartokan V


Unidentified Jedi (Sarn Starbreaker)

Bonbrak Protection Society

Moon sociocultural groups too

Just a heads-up. Imperators II 07:10, 12 May 2024 (UTC)

Blue Peaks

Unidentified Crimson Dawn agent

Coronet City zoo

Attack on a Colicoid nest

Unidentified Talz smuggler




Svor Clan

Brantis Mo Fresk

Karee Blockade Clutch

Alderaanian pine boar


Clones Vote

Merely wanted to inform you there is a new option under Vote 2 of Forum:CT:Clones and Infoboxes - Part One to support the addition of the field without the addition of the requirement to list groups as a plurality. - Thannus (talk) 00:30, 27 May 2024 (UTC)

•Defective clone troopers•

Hey Lewisr the user Anıl Şerifoğlu deleted my good article Defective clone troopers that was going to replace Genetically defective clones can you help Restore it!GormCyborg (talk) 00:41, 27 May 2024 (UTC)

The Acolyte

(Rover paul (talk) 14:45, 30 May 2024 (UTC)) can’t wait for this show , Leslye headland seems to know her stuff about the EU and everything seems they bringing some legends stuff back more and more now like the locations we got with high republic adventures six surely we get the sith worlds back as well sometime and darth traya mentioned as well but she said don’t expect darth banes history yet or maybe even zannah could be in season two if there is one only five days to wait now if the Star Wars run ends at fifty surely the Vader run not far of finishing as well {Rover paul (talk) 14:45, 30 May 2024 (UTC))

Unidentified Hynestian queen (Rod of Seasons)

Praz Fateer

Unidentified human girl (Ferdan)

Fern chick

Moon hen

Grass hen


Unidentified human girl's father

Unidentified human Jedi (Kevmo Zink)

Aris Ade's homeworld

Unidentified documentary

Sour tea

Efavan Major Homicides and Secret Investigations Department

Republic shipyards

Savvy Clan

Hangar Bay Five



Codicil Nine


Masana Tide's Jedi Master

Gutter rat


Frist wolf

The Fish Chancellor

Caamasi cheese pie

Regnio III

(Rover paul (talk) 09:41, 26 June 2024 (UTC)). Seems Leslye headland not afraid to kill anyone off better than seeing everyone survive all the time cause they are a fan favourite or the authors favourite creations , Vader finally finishing someone said on Twitter there was a great disturbance of joy in the force .suppose we now be getting a series about sabe and her new droid teaming up with Luke so still probably get more of the same thing the Vader one getting very boring same thing over 20 issues a few said same thing on Reddit (09:41, 26 June 2024 (UTC))

Children's medcenter


Bas Ear'lasr

Promoting article

Hello Lewisr. I recently came across your article for Wyrmen Lictor's homeweb and believed it to be worthy of a comprehensive status. I was wondering if you would like to promote the article? If not, do I have your permission to promote it? Thanks! Chipchip88 (talk) 02:05, 29 June 2024 (UTC)

Indeera Stokes' Jedi Master


dude you ruined the wiki bruh i was trying to add cause of death to everbody who died in star wars canon why would you ruin it

Tythonian pendant

Raid on Kiapene trading post

Shock knife

Engagement on Selvernis

Sisters of the Ninth Plane

Yana Ro's sire

Unidentified She'ar


(Rover paul (talk) 09:56, 10 July 2024 (UTC)). Got my wish DROMUND KAAS back in canon . Think koril is the sith master in The Acolyte , don’t think we be seeing tenebrous they saying this show makes anikins story pointless as the twins were created in the same way and now anakin is not unique let’s hope more of the sith worlds and more legends sith are brought back (Rover paul (talk) 09:56, 10 July 2024 (UTC))

Unidentified world (Gaze Electric)

Xanak Grunseit's cousin

Barriss Offee's Initiate clan

Elphronan firestork

Unidentified dead moon

Domina Tagge's predecessor

Councilors in the Yoda comic

Hello there, would you explain the reasoning behind the Gallia/Allie and Koth/Kolar sourcing for issues 7 and 8 of the Yoda comic? I'm not seeing anything sourced that confirms either Koth or Kolar for either issue, let alone one in each. And if Kolar is indeed in 8, then via the dating source used to place the flashbacks in 19 BBY, it is impossible for Gallia to appear in that issue as she would be dead by that point. Yet she is listed with Kolar for issue 8, while Koth is listed for 7 with no Tholothian, even though one is visible (and it would be Gallia). Thank you for your time, DerUtergang (talk) 22:55, 13 July 2024 (UTC)

Okay, thanks for the reply! As far as the seating, I don't know how helpful that is given how mixed up it is from what we see in the films, the most prominent example being Kenobi having Koon's seat. DerUtergang (talk) 01:50, 14 July 2024 (UTC)

Abediah Viess' second

Unidentified Hutt (Fraunesaa)

Bas Ear'lasr's tooka



Ima-Gun Di height

Hi Lewisr, I'm confused on why you wrote that Ima-Gun Di's height still needed to be added from The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia. The proper height in both meters and feet were written on the page in a previous edit and cited to the encyclopedia. Is there something else I am missing from the citation? StarWarsFan327 (talk) 11:31, 25 July 2024 (UTC)

Zeen Mrala's parents

Unidentified local group

Unidentified senator of Naboo

Unidentified school (Birage)

Unidentified Mirialan Jedi Master
