Talk: Rakhsh

Let's pray that the sequel trilogy doesn't undo any of the mythology after Episode VI. Rakhsh () 15:30, May 4, 2013 (UTC)

The gameplay alternatives category has already been added into the various game mechanics templates. There is no need to manually add it into articles. Thank you. Cade Calrayn 03:06, June 2, 2013 (UTC)

I make extensive changes to that page on a fairly regular basis, and overwrite it so I don't lose what I have on my text document when I move locations. I'll add the Quesh system to my masterlist. Cade Calrayn 22:53, July 11, 2014 (UTC)

I thank you for my nomination for Wookieepedian of the Month, though pay attention next time you should request the user if he's okay with nominating him. I'm not offended, but some may take it that way ;) Cheers, mate, always good to have someone recognize one's work. Winterz (talk) 05:21, January 10, 2015 (UTC)

No worries! In future if you need to undo an edit you can go into the edit history of a page and there should be an undo option next to the newest edits. Ayrehead02 (talk) 17:34, April 18, 2015 (UTC)

After investigation and discussion, it was discovered that the colour coding for the First Order template was added without majority consultation and has since been removed. At the moment, only two members of the film could have the template applied, meaning it is a little premature. While we probably will have one in the future, at the moment, it is a little too early and the colour scheme was a little harsh. Hope that clarifies the situation. - Sir Cavalier of One 16:30, April 22, 2015 (UTC)

I'd say so, yeah, that's pretty much standard procedure. Go ahead and rearrange it if you want. IFYLOFD 00:27, May 19, 2015 (UTC)

Hey, just as a heads-up, there's no really no need to update the Appearances list with every new change; I maintain a text file with the {{App}} that I regularly replace the /Appearances page with, and I track all the changes/moves/deletions/etc. It just makes it more convenient, and it can be a pain loading and saving the Appearances page. Just thought I'd let you know, and thanks for your help on TOR stuff. Cade Calrayn 15:34, June 26, 2015 (UTC)

Whoops, that was definitely not intentional. Thanks for pointing that out! CC7567 01:34, July 19, 2015 (UTC)

Site-side custom and global JS are all currently disabled; hence no auto-updating recent changes, no hide buttons on {{App}} and infoboxes, and a host of other things. There was a security issue - should be a sitenotice message from Wikia at the top of your screen if it's not been dismissed. Cade Calrayn 16:40, August 11, 2015 (UTC)

You're welcome to nominate any user whom you think deserves the award, provided that you check with them beforehand to see whether they'd accept your nomination. CC7567 06:04, October 14, 2015 (UTC)

It would be an honour!--The All-knowing Sith'ari (talk) 11:58, October 14, 2015 (UTC)

No worries; just check for {{Wip}} or {{Inuse}} tags on articles before making minor adjustments. Editors (like myself) generally have the page open in an editing window for a while and will slowly be adding information to the page over a period of time. Edit conflicts are one of those annoyances that can be avoided, but are a source of frustration at times. - Sir Cavalier of One 16:41, November 19, 2015 (UTC)

The majority of Legends canon spells it Smugglers' Moon NOT Smuggler's Moon. This is explained on the Nar Shaddaa page itself and I've just reiterated it on the Dark Empire 4: Confrontation on the Smugglers' Moon page. Thankyou. 06:51, November 24, 2015 (UTC)

Eventually, yes, it will get moved. There is a process in place to move pages from the /Canon namespace which involved using bots to correct all linked articles. - Sir Cavalier of One 01:25, March 17, 2016 (UTC)

Hey, not sure if you got my belated message, but I believe that a further edit to Jedi Temple Guard/Legends explaining that they existed as early as whatever IU year the TOR content took place would be in order as well. It's not obviously established otherwise in the article that they existed in the Old Republic era. Hanzo Hasashi (talk) 22:44, April 9, 2016 (UTC)

Honestly, I have no idea since I don't play TOR at all. However, if the move is valid it should be to just "Acina" rather than "Empress Acina" since articles shouldn't have the character's titles in them (Darth's being the obvious exception). Asking someone more involved in TOR like Cade Calrayn might be the best course of action. - Sir Cavalier of One 00:55, June 17, 2016 (UTC)

In canon, the emergency beacon is called a distress beacon, (Source: Star Wars: Complete Locations) so I moved "Emergency beacon/Legends" to the void namespace "Emergency beacon" and created a canon link to Distress beacon. -- Dr. Porter 22:21, July 3, 2016 (UTC)

Hi NoI, and thanks for updating Template:MarvelStarWars before I was able to get to it! One note for future reference: this template (and several others) has instructions saying "When making changes to the template, please do not modify the actual HTML code. Just modify the source code below and paste it over the old code." Your edit modified the HTML directly. Thanks! Asithol (talk) 00:52, July 6, 2016 (UTC)

Thank you. Wasn't sure if it was Fanon or not, I was too damn confused what was going on when MaulFettPrime placed that there.(Halo1091 (talk) 05:02, July 17, 2016 (UTC))

I am not an admin, but from looking at the edits, it seems he's adding valid information. What's the problem? <-Omicron

Hi Nostalgia! You recently posted a question/comment to Toprawa about the IT-O interrogator being listed as a fourth-degree droid. "Droids and Machines" on The Official Star Wars Fact File website is one source that explicitly describes each of the droid classes, and from the info therein, I'd say the New Essential Guide is just in error about IT-O. Imperators II 17:41, August 10, 2016 (UTC)

Big talk page, so I'm not sure. Forgive my ignorance, but where exactly does it say that? AllHailTheFirstOrder (talk) 02:12, August 22, 2016 (UTC)

Hello. Please do not add the imageBG= field to infoboxes anymore. We are in the process of removing the field from all templates on the wiki, since it no longer functions. Thank you. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 23:18, August 31, 2016 (UTC)

I'd say no; we only have Legends pages of stuff that originated in TCW to support derivative Legends works, but I see no reason why we should update the "Legends" page with canon content. - AV-6R7 05:12, September 6, 2016 (UTC)

If the information is coming from an official source, then it is fine to include that information in articles with a [[Template:Majorspoiler|spoiler]] tag. If it is from people decoding the game files, then I do not believe that it should be included until after the game is released since it may or may not be used in the actual story. Once the game is released, then unused content can be included and identified as cut information. There not an explicit rule against including this information, but in my opinion it is better not to.--Exiled Jedi (talk) 16:18, September 24, 2016 (UTC)

Hello Nostalgia, sorry if this is a bad time and whatnot but there's certain matter I think should be addressed. Given Adonai Kryze and Darth Maul are in Mandalore category, should we list them onto list of Mandalores in Mandalore (Title) page? Or should we just remove them from the category since Maul isn't a Mandalorian and Adonai was that of New Mandalorians? (20:04, October 6, 2016 (UTC))

Hello there, Thank you for fixing those things in the page I just created! I see you have much more contributions than I have, so I was wondering, can you upload images to the wiki? If you can, I would appreciate if you added this to the Nathema Zealot page: MAIN IMAGE FOR NATHEMA ZEALOT --Generalfacu (talk) 22:27, October 18, 2016 (UTC)Generalfacu

To be honest, I've been on somewhat of a Wookieevacation for October and I don't really have time to review their edits right now. You could ask on their talk page whether they're OK with being nominated. After that it's up to the community to decide whether they merit a nomination. Cheers, 1358 (Talk) 18:59, November 1, 2016 (UTC)

No problem! The only reason I knew was because I had just recently been on that unidentified ARC trooper's page, and when I went to the "Hammer" page everything other than the page title was exactly the same. Cevan (talk) 01:22, November 2, 2016 (UTC)

Hey, I don't know if you sent me the link to me instead of someone else by mistake or you intended me to receive it! But I am not all too familiar with Kotor or the short stories to be honest --Lewisr (talk) 16:34, November 18, 2016 (UTC)

I would like to inquire the reason of deletion of my added information to Darth Howl's apprentice. --RROGON (talk) 20:20, January 4, 2017 (UTC)

Hello, I nominated the article Guts and Glory: A Chronicle of The Amazing Story of The Twisted Rancor Trio as a good article.

I have done my best to fulfill most of the objections, but there is one in particularly I am having trouble with. Exiled Jedi is of the opinion that the article needs an image of the book from the game. This, I disagree with since this image in question is a general image of a datapad identical to the other datapads in the game. Regardless, he seems convinced the article needs it, and I can't provide it because for some reason taking screenshots within the game only yields completely black screen pictures. Do you have the game? Is there anyway you could help provide this image for me? Thanks! :) Sol Pacificus 23:05, January 16, 2017 (UTC)

I am not an administrator, and, as such, do not have to power to protect pages. - AV-6R7 18:11, February 11, 2017 (UTC)

You mean their timeline placement? Well, I don't know--yet. But as soon as I've determined that, I'll let you know. -- 19:47, March 6, 2017 (UTC)

Er, what? I did't really understand your question, but I don't have access to TOR, and the systems aren't mentioned in the Atlas Online Companion. Imperators II 07:03, March 21, 2017 (UTC)

Whoops! Thanks for cleaning the mess up! Imperators II 13:25, March 22, 2017 (UTC)

So instead of just repeating this categorization pattern on the Canon version, the Legends version should be corrected, which I just did. Imperators II 05:42, March 24, 2017 (UTC)

Hey there. Please note that when tagging pages for deletion, such as [[Thrawn campaign/Canon]], you should always fix any pages still linking to the page. Thanks. Imperators II 19:19, March 24, 2017 (UTC)

Hey there. You could even move the pages yourself, but you'd have to fix quite a lot of redirects. I'd suggest asking a user operating a bot for help. Imperators II 19:13, March 29, 2017 (UTC)

Kinalos can reasonably be assumed to be male, but The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut does not specify. Henia and Tanne's fates are unknown. Kinalos believes that they escaped, but the tone of the narrative also suggests that they're dead or he knows that he won't see them again.--The All-knowing Sith'ari (talk) 16:01, April 5, 2017 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads up! It's now fixed. Ayrehead02 (talk) 00:41, April 11, 2017 (UTC)

This quote is NOT confirmed as referring to the Battle of Endor, or being a vision of the Battle of Endor, in any source. It refers to the Battle of Kashyyyk in that novel. If you find me confirmation of the quote as referring to Endor, I will stand corrected. Thank you and have a good day.-- 01:03, April 17, 2017 (UTC)

If I'm correct in assuming what they were adding wasn't the previous in the series, merely the last thing to happen in the timeline, then you did the right thing. The preceded by/followed by fields are for the series, not the timeline in general. - Tommy-Macaroni 13:22, April 22, 2017 (UTC)

I am thinking of doing scientific names classifications of Star Wars universe animals and plants like Bantha Banthanamus Tatooineus we can do this for all the animals

Thanks for making that! Will take a look and see but it mostly looks fine to me --Lewisr (talk) 15:50, May 12, 2017 (UTC)

Is there something you want me to add in them for you? --Lewisr (talk) 17:45, June 13, 2017 (UTC)

Is the game a canon source? If it is then I see no reason why it shouldn't be added to the page --Lewisr (talk) 22:41, July 3, 2017 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure that the story arcs, TPBS include the Star Wars at the front, whilst the individual issues don't --Lewisr (talk) 17:05, July 15, 2017 (UTC)

Yes totally slipped my mind that it should be that, would you be able to move it please? If not then I can later on --Lewisr (talk) 20:37, July 19, 2017 (UTC)

I always assumed that it was always the equal amount of Dark Side points were granted. I don't know. It just doesn't seem fair to assume that one particular dark side decision is favored over the other. Darth Ravigious (talk) 16:41, August 7, 2017 (UTC)

Hi. Even though the canonicity of multiple-light-or-dark-side-dialogue choices was not voted upon in the CT you mentioned, I would assume choosing the option that gives the player the most alignment points as the canonical outcome would be in the spirit of the decisions reached in that CT. Imperators II 17:18, August 10, 2017 (UTC)

I think it should the one that gives more DS/LS points--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 17:51, August 10, 2017 (UTC)

Because we have no information about it beyond it being included in Star Wars Volume 7. We have a cover for Star Wars 40. You can make it if you want, but I think we'll get more information in a few days in the next NEWSARAMA, so we can just wait.--ZapikCZ (talk) 14:51, August 17, 2017 (UTC)

Okay! I'm on it now --Lewisr (talk) 01:16, August 18, 2017 (UTC)

Hey. If you mean adding the article links to Sources sections, then no, I haven't done that in a while. Why? Imperators II 21:10, August 30, 2017 (UTC)

Not necessarily. The Atlas states the Kashyyyk Region "includes of seven sectors [a list of those seven sectors follows]", which means that we shouldn't assume every system in those sectors is automatically a part of the Region. Imperators II 21:55, August 30, 2017 (UTC)

Thank you. When marking obsolete files or categories for deletion, please include a link (with a colon ":" in front of "File:" or "Category:") to the new/correct file/category in the {{Delete}} tag. Thanks, Imperators II 07:38, August 31, 2017 (UTC)

Yeah I'm sure for a while all of the pages had the same issue, think its solved now though --Lewisr (talk) 16:19, October 12, 2017 (UTC)

The Essential Atlas Online Companion puts the Rago system in Wild Space. Imperators II 16:01, October 31, 2017 (UTC)

Hi, I was wondering why you undid my edits to the Jolee Bindo and Meetra Surik pages? I know they were affiliated with the Jedi Order at some point, but they aren't any more. Meetra Surik was exiled from the Order, hence why she is called the "Jedi Exile". And Jolee never technically rose above the rank of Padawan. He even said to Bastila at one point, "From now on, just think of me as any other non-Jedi in our little group. With a lightsaber and Force powers."

Look at Ahsoka Tano and Ardun Kothe. Ahsoka left Jedi Order after being falsely accused of murder. And her Legends Article labels her as Republic while her Canon Article labels her as Rebel. And Ardun was a Jedi at some point, but he left and joined the SIS, and so he's labeled as Republic.

So why are Jolee Bindo and Meetra Surik labeled as Jedi characters, but yet Ahsoka Tano and Ardun Kothe are not? What is the difference? Scout1534 (talk) 01:54, November 19, 2017 (UTC)

Hey Nostalgia. Please be patient, I'm actually still writing the article up and am about to update it accordingly. Imperators II 18:47, December 8, 2017 (UTC)

The FFG stuff is a minefield; we seem treating the canon-only stuff like Rebels as canon, but we have no hard and fast rules regarding this. We've been treating the Kyuzo stuff that way because it was all created for that book, and mentions Zuvio's particular race from TFA. I know some Wookieepedians are trying to get some legislation in place regarding the FFG stuff. - AV-6R7 04:55, April 1, 2018 (UTC)

Yes. I didn't do it because I don't have too much time right now. Feel free to move it to the names that appear in those are the ones the issues use.--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 20:24, April 30, 2018 (UTC)

Hello. Some people been changing appearances of things added to SWTOR from Update 5.2 onward to include only the base game instead of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion. This is incorrect because video games commonly treat regular updates as part of the current expansion cycle:

People should not list appearances incorrectly like that. It makes no sense for omnicannon that first appeared in KOTFE to be listed as appearing in Star Wars: The Old Republic when it was never part of the base game or 1.X updates and is inaccessible to people who do not have expansions. --2001:67C:2660:425:21B:21FF:FEAD:AE14 07:32, May 11, 2018 (UTC)

I guess whoever created the page forgot to ad sit to the appearances section. Will do that. Though I am not sure how I will find other things not in the SWTOR appearances. Yo.-User:Fan26 (Talk) 21:12, June 21, 2018 (UTC)

Thank you. You've done the right thing by bringing this to the attention of an administrator. May I ask you to link to the Wikipedia page where this took place? Your best course of action is to just ignore any banned user who attempts to contact you. This particular user has made it his mission to try and evade his Wookieepedia ban by any means possible, which apparently now includes trying to get other users to edit for him. Those who do should be aware that they may be considered complicit in violating our Sock puppetry policy, and appropriate administrative action will follow. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 20:27, September 4, 2018 (UTC)

Hey there! You were listed as one of the participants of Wookieepedia:WookieeProject The Old Republic before it went down, and are currently among the non-inactive users who I have not removed from the list. I have recently become the project's new leader, in an attempt to revitalize it with a focus on KOTFE and KOTET content in preparation for the supposed update, and am informing all members. And congrats on the recent Wookieepedian of the Month win, by the way.


Fan26 () 13:23, September 23, 2018 (UTC)

Ah, thanks. I will use that for all future SWTOR pages O create. Thanks. Fan26 () 12:24, September 26, 2018 (UTC)

Do you have a subscription to SWTOR? I'm trying to get some of the stuff from KOTFE and KOTET that can't be confirmed or clearly screenshotted from regular walkthroughs (housing decorations, combat-specific NPCs, etc.) and am looking around for users who play the game. Fan26 () 21:21, November 7, 2018 (UTC)

Hey Nostalgia, do you know how to enter first-person mode in SWTOR? There's some mousepad function I'm having trouble with as I have a laptop w/ trackpad, and was wondering if there was another way. Thanks. Fan26 () 22:14, January 6, 2019 (UTC)

Did not realize I violated that policy. Thanks for fixing and letting me know. Fan26 () 17:15, January 15, 2019 (UTC)

Hey, Nostalgia, I was just looking through a cartel markets update, and I was wondering if all those "armor sets" count as something that requires an article. Fan26 () 16:18, February 26, 2019 (UTC)

Have now, thanks for letting me know. Fan26 () 18:00, March 3, 2019 (UTC)

Thank you. Hk 47 (talk) 17:23, March 7, 2019 (UTC)

Ì see, mate. Still, was there any consensus (maybe a CT) done about this? Because the updates after the latest expansion should be part of it otherwise what's the point of the expansions being used in the Appearances section if they're as much part of the core game as the updates. I'm not really debating it, but if there's no consensus established then I think we should establish one. Winterz (talk) 19:43, March 13, 2019 (UTC)

Hello! As one of the primary contributors to SWTOR content, you're invited to give your opinion on this issue. Cheers. Fan26 () 14:26, April 10, 2019 (UTC)

I might be able to. What's the problem? Fan26 () 16:35, April 24, 2019 (UTC)

On the face of it, a merge does seem to be valid. The only difference is that flight controller appears to be about the generic occupation, while controller appears to be about the specific title within an organization. Whether or not this distinction is enough to keep them separate is probably down to personal preference but if the article is worded correctly and at the right name (my preference is flight controller) then I see no issue with combining the two.

At this point I'm only referring to the Legends version with any confidence here. Canon articles incorporating material from recent sources is beyond my range of interest so I cannot speak to a merge there with any certainty in case there is a substantive difference in the use of the term between the two continuities. - Sir Cavalier of One 22:04, May 3, 2019 (UTC)

Hey Nostalgia. Just wanted to let you know that in cases like these, it's probably a good idea to assume the NPC model is a gameplay mechanic, i.e. it's just the model they used and might not be actually canon. I'm thinking of writing up a SH thread that would discuss the issue and lead into a CT, but for now I'd suggest that stuff be left in the BtS. Fan26 ()

Really? I was able to do it the other way around. Or do you mean canonically. Fan26 () 10:52, June 19, 2019 (UTC)

Don't worry, you're fine! It was a constructive edit. It's all good! :) Please don't do it again though. Fan26 () 17:36, July 2, 2019 (UTC)

No, actually, it's never confirmed she died to my knowledge. Her hologram message just blinks out. Thanks for bringing this to my attention; I had somehow managed to not see it. Fan26 () 13:44, July 5, 2019 (UTC)

Yes, definitely, thanks for letting me know. I'll TC it immediately. Fan26 () 16:43, July 23, 2019 (UTC)

Does it identify him by name? Fan26 () 16:46, August 22, 2019 (UTC)

Okay, thanks for letting me know! Fan26 () 18:28, August 28, 2019 (UTC)

Yeah, it should, thanks for letting me know. Fan26 () 16:54, August 30, 2019 (UTC)

Yeah my bad, I was looking at a prior edit and I didn't even catch what I'd done, so thanks for adding it back! --Lewisr (talk) 17:44, September 3, 2019 (UTC)

Hey Nostalgia. I haven't played the Ossus storyline yet-are you able to verify what this anon added? Fan26 () 13:53, September 16, 2019 (UTC)

Hi! Care to explain this? Imperators II 15:16, October 4, 2019 (UTC)

Good evening!

I am not sure myself there! I have seen the alias but was unsure if it is the exact same crime lord that was mentioned there too! However if the context fits, then sure! Let's put them together!

Best wishes!

Thanks for letting me know. Fan26 () 14:47, October 13, 2019 (UTC)

Hey Nostalgia. Since you're into TOR content, you might be interested in this discussion: Forum:SH:The Old Republic: Outlander story and affiliations. Winterz (talk) 01:17, October 29, 2019 (UTC)

Hey, thanks for getting those Poe comic pages, I'm pretty unconfident with a big bot job like this so I want to try and check everything, so you sorting that out really helps, thank you! Tommy Macaroni 19:29, October 30, 2019 (UTC)

Both variations are grammatically correct I believe, so it's up to you really--Vitus Infinitus 16:35, October 31, 2019 (UTC)

Hi Nostalgia. Considering all views in the Senate Hall discussion: Outlander story and affiliations, I have put up a consensus track to see if we decide on something. Take a look: Forum:CT:The Old Republic: Commander's storyline affiliation. Winterz (talk) 21:39, November 1, 2019 (UTC)

I was hoping that wouldn't be noticed, Nostalgia ahah. The thing is, the TOR/appearances page runs extremely slowly and to add 5 events to it would take me like 5 minutes. I hate that page.Winterz (talk) 18:57, November 9, 2019 (UTC)

Sure! I'm currently curating a list of Legends comics that will eventually be bot-moved, and those issues are all there.

In the case of the series names, TotJ is made up of seven miniseries:

There are two main problems right now: 1) The page Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi should refer to the 1993 miniseries, but it currently refers to the entire metaseries; 2) The use of dashes. and use hyphens with spaces ( - ), while printed issues use em-dashes with none (—). Personally, I feel that the hyphen option is best, but that's something I'll probably bring up on IRC sooner or later. - Cwedin 17:07, December 8, 2019 (UTC)

Thanks for reverting my additions to Clan Vizla, I didn't notice it was under the Star Wars Legends continuity. Scrapper142valk (talk) 21:55, December 17, 2019 (UTC)

Hi! According to Onslaught at Arda I (p.45), the Jaga's Cluster is the Jagomir system! Futhermore, the book uses both "Jaga's Cluster" and "Jaga's Cluster system". Hk 47 (talk) 15:57, January 8, 2020 (UTC)

Hey Nostalgia. I'm not too fresh on our naming policy but if you think Leontyne Saresh's office is best, I'll do the move sure. Although I wanted to check first what the location is called in-game. Winterz (talk) 03:09, January 17, 2020 (UTC)

I think I've seen those before, but never head them speak. Do they actually have dialogue? Fan26 () 14:53, January 28, 2020 (UTC)

Hey Nostalgia. Forged Alliances is divided in two parts: Invasion in 2.7 and Forged Alliances in 2.10. According to the CT we passed, both are to be included in ROTHC appearances. I believe you have noticed some of my mistakes today in that department (based on distraction). I will review my latest edits and fix those issues. Thanks. Winterz (talk) 03:09, February 2, 2020 (UTC)

Hey, I started adding things onto the Timeline of Legends Media things that were clearly missing. Edit log shows you took them off. Do you mind if I ask why those pieces of media are excluded from the timeline???

Both canon and Legends articles of the subject should be fine now. Please let me know if there are other issues with it. Anıl Şerifoğlu (talk) 19:03, February 11, 2020 (UTC)

That's been fixed. For the record, I (or EcksBot) do not check whether pages are correctly titled before making these mass moves. You are free to fix issues with the era template yourself as well. 1358 (Talk) 20:23, March 24, 2020 (UTC)

No. I attempted to, but it wouldn't allow me to move it back. If you could do it, that would help. --Mr Star Wars Amino Republic (talk) 16:46, April 19, 2020 (UTC)

Prove me that the Adas' Holocron was owned by Sorzus Syn. it's the King Narkgu's holocron look the pdf of "Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side" page 29

Hey Nostalgia. Diago Hixan's summer palace is actually located in the Jundland Chasm, my mistake there. As for TOR Appearances I don't add them one by one, but I list them and then add all at once. I believe I had told you about this before. I am creating many articles and it is counter-productive to add them one by one, especially when that pages takes a ton to load. Cheers. Winterz (talk) 15:59, October 13, 2020 (UTC)

Hey Nostalgia. Just wondering if you're working on any TOR projects nowadays, or if you have something in your scope. Winterz (talk) 17:33, October 19, 2020 (UTC)

Thanks for contributing to Wookieepedia! When editing, please remember to provide an edit summary more often. This helps your fellow Wookieepedians, particularly those patrolling the Recent changes, understand why you are making certain changes. Thanks! Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 18:50, 31 October 2020 (UTC)

I'm sorry but did you even play KOTFE and KOTET? He could not have been clearer about not being Sith, and his negative opinion of them. And no, Ajunta Pall's infobox is not Sith, it's Jedi. --Potsk (talk) 15:43, 16 November 2020 (UTC)

Hey there. FYI I've left a bot request regarding that Planet infobox field. Imperators II 21:27, 24 April 2022 (UTC)

Hey, thanks for your help with fixing the page title. I moved it but couldn't figure out how to do that. Flavivsaetivs (talk) 14:41, 5 November 2022 (UTC)

I'm sorry. There may have been a technical glitch, and I did not check after voting. Sightsaber (talk) 10:58, 19 December 2022 (UTC)

I think I've seen that when someone creates the canon counterpart article to an already exiting Legends article, a bot sorts out the /canon and /Legends tags. A portion of the articles on Weik were actually created as Legends articles, and someone went through and changed some of the lings to canon instead of creating a canon article. Boats1014 (talk) 23:31, 30 April 2023 (UTC)

I was also going to re-add the picture of Leia and Han in disguise to the Lars homestead page, but in trying to find the specific context in the novel add to various pages, it turns out the holocube was not viewed in the Lars homestead, the image is actually depicting the bazaar it was auctioned at. It seems there was also some confusion in a few other pages that Han and Leia purchased the holocube through Squib intermediaries, but it was purchased by a Gotal in the end. Boats1014 (talk) 16:45, 2 June 2023 (UTC)

It does yes thanks for noting, will do so later Lewisr (talk) 00:51, 14 December 2023 (UTC)

Hi, there is no indication of such battle in the books. Just that Ackbar amassed his forces there before a battle at Bilbringi. Best, Hk 47 (talk) 16:36, 14 April 2024 (UTC)

Anywhere as soon as you buy it! Hk 47 (talk) 13:59, 4 July 2024 (UTC)


The gameplay alternatives category has already been added into the various game mechanics templates. There is no need to manually add it into articles. Thank you. Cade Calrayn 03:06, June 2, 2013 (UTC)

Re:Quesh system

I make extensive changes to that page on a fairly regular basis, and overwrite it so I don't lose what I have on my text document when I move locations. I'll add the Quesh system to my masterlist. Cade Calrayn 22:53, July 11, 2014 (UTC)


I thank you for my nomination for Wookieepedian of the Month, though pay attention next time you should request the user if he's okay with nominating him. I'm not offended, but some may take it that way ;) Cheers, mate, always good to have someone recognize one's work. Winterz (talk) 05:21, January 10, 2015 (UTC)

  • My apologies, mate. I'll be more mindful in the future.--Rakhsh () 06:26, January 10, 2015 (UTC)

RE: Thanks for helping fix my accidental mess

No worries! In future if you need to undo an edit you can go into the edit history of a page and there should be an undo option next to the newest edits. Ayrehead02 (talk) 17:34, April 18, 2015 (UTC)

  • Oh! Sorry if I came off as patronising at all then. Ayrehead02 (talk) 17:42, April 18, 2015 (UTC)


After investigation and discussion, it was discovered that the colour coding for the First Order template was added without majority consultation and has since been removed. At the moment, only two members of the film could have the template applied, meaning it is a little premature. While we probably will have one in the future, at the moment, it is a little too early and the colour scheme was a little harsh. Hope that clarifies the situation. - Sir Cavalier of One 16:30, April 22, 2015 (UTC)


I'd say so, yeah, that's pretty much standard procedure. Go ahead and rearrange it if you want. IFYLOFD 00:27, May 19, 2015 (UTC)

TOR appearances

Hey, just as a heads-up, there's no really no need to update the Appearances list with every new change; I maintain a text file with the {{App}} that I regularly replace the /Appearances page with, and I track all the changes/moves/deletions/etc. It just makes it more convenient, and it can be a pain loading and saving the Appearances page. Just thought I'd let you know, and thanks for your help on TOR stuff. Cade Calrayn 15:34, June 26, 2015 (UTC)

Re: Bespin

Whoops, that was definitely not intentional. Thanks for pointing that out! CC7567 01:34, July 19, 2015 (UTC)


Site-side custom and global JS are all currently disabled; hence no auto-updating recent changes, no hide buttons on {{App}} and infoboxes, and a host of other things. There was a security issue - should be a sitenotice message from Wikia at the top of your screen if it's not been dismissed. Cade Calrayn 16:40, August 11, 2015 (UTC)

Re: November 2015 WOTM

You're welcome to nominate any user whom you think deserves the award, provided that you check with them beforehand to see whether they'd accept your nomination. CC7567 06:04, October 14, 2015 (UTC)

RE:WOTM November 2015 nomination

It would be an honour!--The All-knowing Sith'ari (talk) 11:58, October 14, 2015 (UTC)

Spira Regatta

No worries; just check for {{Wip}} or {{Inuse}} tags on articles before making minor adjustments. Editors (like myself) generally have the page open in an editing window for a while and will slowly be adding information to the page over a period of time. Edit conflicts are one of those annoyances that can be avoided, but are a source of frustration at times. - Sir Cavalier of One 16:41, November 19, 2015 (UTC)

Smugglers' Moon

The majority of Legends canon spells it Smugglers' Moon NOT Smuggler's Moon. This is explained on the Nar Shaddaa page itself and I've just reiterated it on the Dark Empire 4: Confrontation on the Smugglers' Moon page. Thankyou. 06:51, November 24, 2015 (UTC)

  • Thankyou for kindly reverting you're edits. Sorry if I came across blunt but I did not wish either of us to get blocked for edit warring. Mistakes are made. Move along, move along. :) 06:56, November 24, 2015 (UTC)

Imperial Military/Canon

Eventually, yes, it will get moved. There is a process in place to move pages from the /Canon namespace which involved using bots to correct all linked articles. - Sir Cavalier of One 01:25, March 17, 2016 (UTC)

Jedi Temple Guard/Legends

Hey, not sure if you got my belated message, but I believe that a further edit to Jedi Temple Guard/Legends explaining that they existed as early as whatever IU year the TOR content took place would be in order as well. It's not obviously established otherwise in the article that they existed in the Old Republic era. Hanzo Hasashi (talk) 22:44, April 9, 2016 (UTC)

Darth Acina

Honestly, I have no idea since I don't play TOR at all. However, if the move is valid it should be to just "Acina" rather than "Empress Acina" since articles shouldn't have the character's titles in them (Darth's being the obvious exception). Asking someone more involved in TOR like Cade Calrayn might be the best course of action. - Sir Cavalier of One 00:55, June 17, 2016 (UTC)

Re:Emergency beacon

In canon, the emergency beacon is called a distress beacon, (Source: Star Wars: Complete Locations) so I moved "Emergency beacon/Legends" to the void namespace "Emergency beacon" and created a canon link to Distress beacon. -- Dr. Porter 22:21, July 3, 2016 (UTC)

template edits

Hi NoI, and thanks for updating Template:MarvelStarWars before I was able to get to it! One note for future reference: this template (and several others) has instructions saying "When making changes to the template, please do not modify the actual HTML code. Just modify the source code below and paste it over the old code." Your edit modified the HTML directly. Thanks! Asithol (talk) 00:52, July 6, 2016 (UTC)

7.1 New message

Thank you. Wasn't sure if it was Fanon or not, I was too damn confused what was going on when MaulFettPrime placed that there.(Halo1091 (talk) 05:02, July 17, 2016 (UTC))

RE: List of books

I am not an admin, but from looking at the edits, it seems he's adding valid information. What's the problem? <-Omicron

  • As far as I can tell, comics and short stories belong on the page. I would assume it should just be books, but the intro paragraph states it covers all items. You might want to reach out to an admin for clarification. <-Omicron 14:58, August 1, 2016 (UTC)


Hi Nostalgia! You recently posted a question/comment to Toprawa about the IT-O interrogator being listed as a fourth-degree droid. "Droids and Machines" on The Official Star Wars Fact File website is one source that explicitly describes each of the droid classes, and from the info therein, I'd say the New Essential Guide is just in error about IT-O. Imperators II 17:41, August 10, 2016 (UTC)

Re: Marka Ragnos and Valkorion

Big talk page, so I'm not sure. Forgive my ignorance, but where exactly does it say that? AllHailTheFirstOrder (talk) 02:12, August 22, 2016 (UTC)


Hello. Please do not add the imageBG= field to infoboxes anymore. We are in the process of removing the field from all templates on the wiki, since it no longer functions. Thank you. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 23:18, August 31, 2016 (UTC)

RE: Bardotta/Legends

I'd say no; we only have Legends pages of stuff that originated in TCW to support derivative Legends works, but I see no reason why we should update the "Legends" page with canon content. - AV-6R7 05:12, September 6, 2016 (UTC)

RE: Knights of the Eternal Throne

If the information is coming from an official source, then it is fine to include that information in articles with a [[Template:Majorspoiler|spoiler]] tag. If it is from people decoding the game files, then I do not believe that it should be included until after the game is released since it may or may not be used in the actual story. Once the game is released, then unused content can be included and identified as cut information. There not an explicit rule against including this information, but in my opinion it is better not to.--Exiled Jedi (talk) 16:18, September 24, 2016 (UTC)

Regarding certain Mandalores

Hello Nostalgia, sorry if this is a bad time and whatnot but there's certain matter I think should be addressed. Given Adonai Kryze and Darth Maul are in Mandalore category, should we list them onto list of Mandalores in Mandalore (Title) page? Or should we just remove them from the category since Maul isn't a Mandalorian and Adonai was that of New Mandalorians? (20:04, October 6, 2016 (UTC))

Nathema Zealot edits

Hello there, Thank you for fixing those things in the page I just created! I see you have much more contributions than I have, so I was wondering, can you upload images to the wiki? If you can, I would appreciate if you added this to the Nathema Zealot page: MAIN IMAGE FOR NATHEMA ZEALOT --Generalfacu (talk) 22:27, October 18, 2016 (UTC)Generalfacu

Re: WOTM November 2016

To be honest, I've been on somewhat of a Wookieevacation for October and I don't really have time to review their edits right now. You could ask on their talk page whether they're OK with being nominated. After that it's up to the community to decide whether they merit a nomination. Cheers, 1358 (Talk) 18:59, November 1, 2016 (UTC)

Re:Hammer (ARC trooper)

No problem! The only reason I knew was because I had just recently been on that unidentified ARC trooper's page, and when I went to the "Hammer" page everything other than the page title was exactly the same. Cevan (talk) 01:22, November 2, 2016 (UTC)

RE: A Mother's Hope

Hey, I don't know if you sent me the link to me instead of someone else by mistake or you intended me to receive it! But I am not all too familiar with Kotor or the short stories to be honest --Lewisr (talk) 16:34, November 18, 2016 (UTC)

  • Okay fair enough, did read it. Seems like a very intriguing story, is there anymore to it? --Lewisr (talk) 17:21, November 18, 2016 (UTC)

Darth Howl's apprentice

I would like to inquire the reason of deletion of my added information to Darth Howl's apprentice. --RROGON (talk) 20:20, January 4, 2017 (UTC)

Image for Guts and Glory nomination

Hello, I nominated the article Guts and Glory: A Chronicle of The Amazing Story of The Twisted Rancor Trio as a good article.

I have done my best to fulfill most of the objections, but there is one in particularly I am having trouble with. Exiled Jedi is of the opinion that the article needs an image of the book from the game. This, I disagree with since this image in question is a general image of a datapad identical to the other datapads in the game. Regardless, he seems convinced the article needs it, and I can't provide it because for some reason taking screenshots within the game only yields completely black screen pictures. Do you have the game? Is there anyway you could help provide this image for me? Thanks! :) Sol Pacificus 23:05, January 16, 2017 (UTC)

Re: Sors Bandeam

I am not an administrator, and, as such, do not have to power to protect pages. - AV-6R7 18:11, February 11, 2017 (UTC)

Re: Order of Star Wars Rebels Comics

You mean their timeline placement? Well, I don't know--yet. But as soon as I've determined that, I'll let you know. -- 19:47, March 6, 2017 (UTC)

  • Hello again! Apart from "The Size of the Fight," I have added the timeline placements of all those new stories. Cheers! -- 08:13, March 7, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Astronomical info of objects from SWTOR

Er, what? I did't really understand your question, but I don't have access to TOR, and the systems aren't mentioned in the Atlas Online Companion. Imperators II 07:03, March 21, 2017 (UTC)

Re:TORweb edits

Whoops! Thanks for cleaning the mess up! Imperators II 13:25, March 22, 2017 (UTC)


So instead of just repeating this categorization pattern on the Canon version, the Legends version should be corrected, which I just did. Imperators II 05:42, March 24, 2017 (UTC)

Tagging pages for deletion

Hey there. Please note that when tagging pages for deletion, such as [[Thrawn campaign/Canon]], you should always fix any pages still linking to the page. Thanks. Imperators II 19:19, March 24, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Legends pages

Hey there. You could even move the pages yourself, but you'd have to fix quite a lot of redirects. I'd suggest asking a user operating a bot for help. Imperators II 19:13, March 29, 2017 (UTC)

  • Wait, what exactly makes you think these pages can only be moved by administrators? They're not protected in any way. This is an example of a page that can only be moved by admins, it's indicated by the green lock icon at the top of the article.

RE: Kinalos

Kinalos can reasonably be assumed to be male, but The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut does not specify. Henia and Tanne's fates are unknown. Kinalos believes that they escaped, but the tone of the narrative also suggests that they're dead or he knows that he won't see them again.--The All-knowing Sith'ari (talk) 16:01, April 5, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Thrawn (novel)

Thanks for the heads up! It's now fixed. Ayrehead02 (talk) 00:41, April 11, 2017 (UTC)

Battle of Endor quote

This quote is NOT confirmed as referring to the Battle of Endor, or being a vision of the Battle of Endor, in any source. It refers to the Battle of Kashyyyk in that novel. If you find me confirmation of the quote as referring to Endor, I will stand corrected. Thank you and have a good day.-- 01:03, April 17, 2017 (UTC)

  • I don't believe that it is. There are already several talk page discussions on it. It's the Battle of Kashyyyk in the novel. I reread it recently and here's what happens: Shryne has the vision of this battle early in the book, and then when the battle is actually taking place, he basically says, "My vision is coming true." Everything about the description is consistent with Kashyyyk, and as I said there is no official source that connects this quote to the Battle of Endor in any way. Thanks.-- 01:14, April 17, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Question regarding reverts to "preceded/followed by" fields

If I'm correct in assuming what they were adding wasn't the previous in the series, merely the last thing to happen in the timeline, then you did the right thing. The preceded by/followed by fields are for the series, not the timeline in general. - Tommy-Macaroni 13:22, April 22, 2017 (UTC)


I am thinking of doing scientific names classifications of Star Wars universe animals and plants like Bantha Banthanamus Tatooineus we can do this for all the animals

RE: Created article for Poe Dameron Book II

Thanks for making that! Will take a look and see but it mostly looks fine to me --Lewisr (talk) 15:50, May 12, 2017 (UTC)

RE: SWTOR Appearances

Is there something you want me to add in them for you? --Lewisr (talk) 17:45, June 13, 2017 (UTC)

  • I added those 3 to the page, hope I did it right? I may not be able to add the others until later on, but as soon as I can I will add them for you --Lewisr (talk) 18:04, June 13, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Subjugator (First Order)

Is the game a canon source? If it is then I see no reason why it shouldn't be added to the page --Lewisr (talk) 22:41, July 3, 2017 (UTC)

  • No problem, always happy to help --Lewisr (talk) 23:13, July 3, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Tales of the Jedi page names

I'm pretty sure that the story arcs, TPBS include the Star Wars at the front, whilst the individual issues don't --Lewisr (talk) 17:05, July 15, 2017 (UTC)

  • Hmm have to say that I'm not entirely sure on that to be honest, I think your best bet would be to ask Brandon, though if I can find out in the meantime I'll let you know --Lewisr (talk) 17:19, July 15, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Sienar Jaemus TIE/VN space superiority fighter

Yes totally slipped my mind that it should be that, would you be able to move it please? If not then I can later on --Lewisr (talk) 20:37, July 19, 2017 (UTC)


I always assumed that it was always the equal amount of Dark Side points were granted. I don't know. It just doesn't seem fair to assume that one particular dark side decision is favored over the other. Darth Ravigious (talk) 16:41, August 7, 2017 (UTC)

  • Was simply saying that the same amount of dark side points are granted. I'd be more than willing to inquire with a sysop about this though! :) That is, unless this topic has already been touched upon elsewhere. Darth Ravigious (talk) 16:44, August 7, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Jaesa Willsaam and Nomen Karr article changes

Hi. Even though the canonicity of multiple-light-or-dark-side-dialogue choices was not voted upon in the CT you mentioned, I would assume choosing the option that gives the player the most alignment points as the canonical outcome would be in the spirit of the decisions reached in that CT. Imperators II 17:18, August 10, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Jaesa Willsaam and Nomen Karr

I think it should the one that gives more DS/LS points--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 17:51, August 10, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Star Wars 39

Because we have no information about it beyond it being included in Star Wars Volume 7. We have a cover for Star Wars 40. You can make it if you want, but I think we'll get more information in a few days in the next NEWSARAMA, so we can just wait.--ZapikCZ (talk) 14:51, August 17, 2017 (UTC)


Okay! I'm on it now --Lewisr (talk) 01:16, August 18, 2017 (UTC)

  • I've done it Trading Scars, hope it was okay! Feel free to make any changes you, wasn't sure if some of the characters existed prior to that story or not --Lewisr (talk) 01:50, August 18, 2017 (UTC) articles

Hey. If you mean adding the article links to Sources sections, then no, I haven't done that in a while. Why? Imperators II 21:10, August 30, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Kashyyyk Region

Not necessarily. The Atlas states the Kashyyyk Region "includes of seven sectors [a list of those seven sectors follows]", which means that we shouldn't assume every system in those sectors is automatically a part of the Region. Imperators II 21:55, August 30, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Candidates for deletion

Thank you. When marking obsolete files or categories for deletion, please include a link (with a colon ":" in front of "File:" or "Category:") to the new/correct file/category in the {{Delete}} tag. Thanks, Imperators II 07:38, August 31, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Pages with issues

Yeah I'm sure for a while all of the pages had the same issue, think its solved now though --Lewisr (talk) 16:19, October 12, 2017 (UTC)


The Essential Atlas Online Companion puts the Rago system in Wild Space. Imperators II 16:01, October 31, 2017 (UTC)

  • The Online Companion doesn't list it as part of the Rago sector unlike some other systems. Maybe another source says it's part of the sector. Imperators II 16:33, October 31, 2017 (UTC)

Why did you undo my edits?

Hi, I was wondering why you undid my edits to the Jolee Bindo and Meetra Surik pages? I know they were affiliated with the Jedi Order at some point, but they aren't any more. Meetra Surik was exiled from the Order, hence why she is called the "Jedi Exile". And Jolee never technically rose above the rank of Padawan. He even said to Bastila at one point, "From now on, just think of me as any other non-Jedi in our little group. With a lightsaber and Force powers."

Look at Ahsoka Tano and Ardun Kothe. Ahsoka left Jedi Order after being falsely accused of murder. And her Legends Article labels her as Republic while her Canon Article labels her as Rebel. And Ardun was a Jedi at some point, but he left and joined the SIS, and so he's labeled as Republic.

So why are Jolee Bindo and Meetra Surik labeled as Jedi characters, but yet Ahsoka Tano and Ardun Kothe are not? What is the difference? Scout1534 (talk) 01:54, November 19, 2017 (UTC)

Re:Sector 5

Hey Nostalgia. Please be patient, I'm actually still writing the article up and am about to update it accordingly. Imperators II 18:47, December 8, 2017 (UTC)

Re: Forged in Battle Kyuzo lore

The FFG stuff is a minefield; we seem treating the canon-only stuff like Rebels as canon, but we have no hard and fast rules regarding this. We've been treating the Kyuzo stuff that way because it was all created for that book, and mentions Zuvio's particular race from TFA. I know some Wookieepedians are trying to get some legislation in place regarding the FFG stuff. - AV-6R7 04:55, April 1, 2018 (UTC)

RE:Star Wars: Forces of Destiny comics

Yes. I didn't do it because I don't have too much time right now. Feel free to move it to the names that appear in those are the ones the issues use.--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 20:24, April 30, 2018 (UTC)

  • The correct titles use dashes.--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 21:05, April 30, 2018 (UTC)

SWTOR 5.1 onward is part of KOTET

Hello. Some people been changing appearances of things added to SWTOR from Update 5.2 onward to include only the base game instead of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion. This is incorrect because video games commonly treat regular updates as part of the current expansion cycle:

People should not list appearances incorrectly like that. It makes no sense for omnicannon that first appeared in KOTFE to be listed as appearing in Star Wars: The Old Republic when it was never part of the base game or 1.X updates and is inaccessible to people who do not have expansions. --2001:67C:2660:425:21B:21FF:FEAD:AE14 07:32, May 11, 2018 (UTC)

  • As I already said No..... Again, listing SWTOR doesn't mean Vanilla and Updates 1 thru whatever the updates were. SWTOR means the game (the game includes everything expansions and no expansions) not the Updates nor the Original story. Same as Forged Alliances is not RotHC or SoR, same as Ziost released after SoR, but its not part of it. The reason that 4.1 to 4.6 is KOTFE its because they were literally KOTFE chapters and not something else. Uprisings, Iokath, Umbara, Copero, Nathema are part of the same storyline that the entire game follows since SoR everything leads to it, but its not part of the last expansion KOTET which is only 9 chapters. And yes Charles may call it like that on Twitter and in part its correct since Nathema wraps up everything that KOTFE and KOTET did. And for the loading screen that shows the latest expansion its been done like that before, but if we go into details the crawl after you load the game shows RotHC stuff, but that doesn't mean that its ROTHC--DarthRuiz30 (talk) 19:14, May 11, 2018 (UTC)

RE:SWTOR appearances

I guess whoever created the page forgot to ad sit to the appearances section. Will do that. Though I am not sure how I will find other things not in the SWTOR appearances. Yo.-User:Fan26 (Talk) 21:12, June 21, 2018 (UTC)

Re: Contacted by banned user

Thank you. You've done the right thing by bringing this to the attention of an administrator. May I ask you to link to the Wikipedia page where this took place? Your best course of action is to just ignore any banned user who attempts to contact you. This particular user has made it his mission to try and evade his Wookieepedia ban by any means possible, which apparently now includes trying to get other users to edit for him. Those who do should be aware that they may be considered complicit in violating our Sock puppetry policy, and appropriate administrative action will follow. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 20:27, September 4, 2018 (UTC)


Hey there! You were listed as one of the participants of Wookieepedia:WookieeProject The Old Republic before it went down, and are currently among the non-inactive users who I have not removed from the list. I have recently become the project's new leader, in an attempt to revitalize it with a focus on KOTFE and KOTET content in preparation for the supposed update, and am informing all members. And congrats on the recent Wookieepedian of the Month win, by the way.


Fan26 () 13:23, September 23, 2018 (UTC)


Ah, thanks. I will use that for all future SWTOR pages O create. Thanks. Fan26 () 12:24, September 26, 2018 (UTC)


Do you have a subscription to SWTOR? I'm trying to get some of the stuff from KOTFE and KOTET that can't be confirmed or clearly screenshotted from regular walkthroughs (housing decorations, combat-specific NPCs, etc.) and am looking around for users who play the game. Fan26 () 21:21, November 7, 2018 (UTC)

  • Are you still able to go back through certain KOTFE chapters and missions (notably star fortress stuff)? () 22:30, November 7, 2018 (UTC)

First-person TOR

Hey Nostalgia, do you know how to enter first-person mode in SWTOR? There's some mousepad function I'm having trouble with as I have a laptop w/ trackpad, and was wondering if there was another way. Thanks. Fan26 () 22:14, January 6, 2019 (UTC)

  • Great, thank you so much. () 03:36, January 7, 2019 (UTC)

Re:Weary doctor

Did not realize I violated that policy. Thanks for fixing and letting me know. Fan26 () 17:15, January 15, 2019 (UTC)

Cartel market armor sets and similar

Hey, Nostalgia, I was just looking through a cartel markets update, and I was wondering if all those "armor sets" count as something that requires an article. Fan26 () 16:18, February 26, 2019 (UTC)

  • Okay, thanks. The blasters would though, right? () 18:27, February 26, 2019 (UTC)


Have now, thanks for letting me know. Fan26 () 18:00, March 3, 2019 (UTC)

Kath subjugation

Thank you. Hk 47 (talk) 17:23, March 7, 2019 (UTC)


Ì see, mate. Still, was there any consensus (maybe a CT) done about this? Because the updates after the latest expansion should be part of it otherwise what's the point of the expansions being used in the Appearances section if they're as much part of the core game as the updates. I'm not really debating it, but if there's no consensus established then I think we should establish one. Winterz (talk) 19:43, March 13, 2019 (UTC)

Senate Hall

KOTET dates

Hello! As one of the primary contributors to SWTOR content, you're invited to give your opinion on this issue. Cheers. Fan26 () 14:26, April 10, 2019 (UTC)


I might be able to. What's the problem? Fan26 () 16:35, April 24, 2019 (UTC)

  • A Senate Hall thread might be a good idea then, to gauge a sense of everyone's consensus. Probably a CT after that to standardize whatever format is agreed upon. Let me know if there;s anything else. () 14:34, April 25, 2019 (UTC)

RE:Controller/Flight controller

On the face of it, a merge does seem to be valid. The only difference is that flight controller appears to be about the generic occupation, while controller appears to be about the specific title within an organization. Whether or not this distinction is enough to keep them separate is probably down to personal preference but if the article is worded correctly and at the right name (my preference is flight controller) then I see no issue with combining the two.

At this point I'm only referring to the Legends version with any confidence here. Canon articles incorporating material from recent sources is beyond my range of interest so I cannot speak to a merge there with any certainty in case there is a substantive difference in the use of the term between the two continuities. - Sir Cavalier of One 22:04, May 3, 2019 (UTC)

NPC models

Hey Nostalgia. Just wanted to let you know that in cases like these, it's probably a good idea to assume the NPC model is a gameplay mechanic, i.e. it's just the model they used and might not be actually canon. I'm thinking of writing up a SH thread that would discuss the issue and lead into a CT, but for now I'd suggest that stuff be left in the BtS. Fan26 ()

  • Yes, thank you for catching that. () 15:48, May 30, 2019 (UTC)

Re:Tatooine before Alderaan.

Really? I was able to do it the other way around. Or do you mean canonically. Fan26 () 10:52, June 19, 2019 (UTC)

  • Okay, thanks for telling me! () 12:44, June 19, 2019 (UTC)


Don't worry, you're fine! It was a constructive edit. It's all good! :) Please don't do it again though. Fan26 () 17:36, July 2, 2019 (UTC)

Re:Fora Death Parameter

No, actually, it's never confirmed she died to my knowledge. Her hologram message just blinks out. Thanks for bringing this to my attention; I had somehow managed to not see it. Fan26 () 13:44, July 5, 2019 (UTC)

Re:Unidentifed Imperial Guard (Korriban)

Yes, definitely, thanks for letting me know. I'll TC it immediately. Fan26 () 16:43, July 23, 2019 (UTC)

Re:Casus Sandral's journal in SWTOR:KOTET

Does it identify him by name? Fan26 () 16:46, August 22, 2019 (UTC)

  • Could you provide me with a text comparison of the two? As for the droid, I think that may be enough to say it does appear. , marked as "". () 00:34, August 23, 2019 (UTC)
  • Looks to me like that should be mentioned in the BtS as a possible connection. Doesn't seem enough to be a full appearance. Thanks for letting me know. () 02:12, August 23, 2019 (UTC)


Okay, thanks for letting me know! Fan26 () 18:28, August 28, 2019 (UTC)

Re:Skirmish in the Tromper Crags (Voidhound

Yeah, it should, thanks for letting me know. Fan26 () 16:54, August 30, 2019 (UTC)

Electric Judgment

Yeah my bad, I was looking at a prior edit and I didn't even catch what I'd done, so thanks for adding it back! --Lewisr (talk) 17:44, September 3, 2019 (UTC)


Hey Nostalgia. I haven't played the Ossus storyline yet-are you able to verify what this anon added? Fan26 () 13:53, September 16, 2019 (UTC)

  • Okay, thank you anyway. I'll check with Ruiz. IMO it's a little fishy that an anon will appear out of nowhere with a desire to work on TOR and a general knowledge of Wookieepedia's quality standards, if ya know what I mean. Thanks! () 13:56, September 16, 2019 (UTC)

Grella edit

Hi! Care to explain this? Imperators II 15:16, October 4, 2019 (UTC)

  • I'm not sure I understand what you told me, but is Naberria wrong here? Imperators II 15:37, October 4, 2019 (UTC)

GOTO ≠ or = G0-T0?

Good evening!

I am not sure myself there! I have seen the alias but was unsure if it is the exact same crime lord that was mentioned there too! However if the context fits, then sure! Let's put them together!

Best wishes!

Re:Smuggler Coruscant Missions NPC

Thanks for letting me know. Fan26 () 14:47, October 13, 2019 (UTC)

Alliance Commander discussion

Hey Nostalgia. Since you're into TOR content, you might be interested in this discussion: Forum:SH:The Old Republic: Outlander story and affiliations. Winterz (talk) 01:17, October 29, 2019 (UTC)


Hey, thanks for getting those Poe comic pages, I'm pretty unconfident with a big bot job like this so I want to try and check everything, so you sorting that out really helps, thank you! Tommy Macaroni 19:29, October 30, 2019 (UTC)

RE: Rescue on Chimaera

Both variations are grammatically correct I believe, so it's up to you really--Vitus Infinitus 16:35, October 31, 2019 (UTC)

CT: Outlander affiliation

Hi Nostalgia. Considering all views in the Senate Hall discussion: Outlander story and affiliations, I have put up a consensus track to see if we decide on something. Take a look: Forum:CT:The Old Republic: Commander's storyline affiliation. Winterz (talk) 21:39, November 1, 2019 (UTC)


I was hoping that wouldn't be noticed, Nostalgia ahah. The thing is, the TOR/appearances page runs extremely slowly and to add 5 events to it would take me like 5 minutes. I hate that page.Winterz (talk) 18:57, November 9, 2019 (UTC)

RE: TotJ titles

Sure! I'm currently curating a list of Legends comics that will eventually be bot-moved, and those issues are all there.

In the case of the series names, TotJ is made up of seven miniseries:

  • Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (1993)
  • Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Freedon Nadd Uprising (1994)
  • Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith (1994)
  • Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Sith War (1995)
  • Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Golden Age of the Sith (1996)
  • Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Fall of the Sith Empire (1997)
  • Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Redemption (1998)

There are two main problems right now: 1) The page Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi should refer to the 1993 miniseries, but it currently refers to the entire metaseries; 2) The use of dashes. and use hyphens with spaces ( - ), while printed issues use em-dashes with none (—). Personally, I feel that the hyphen option is best, but that's something I'll probably bring up on IRC sooner or later. - Cwedin 17:07, December 8, 2019 (UTC)

2.2 Updated with new information

Thanks for reverting my additions to Clan Vizla, I didn't notice it was under the Star Wars Legends continuity. Scrapper142valk (talk) 21:55, December 17, 2019 (UTC)

Jagomir system

Hi! According to Onslaught at Arda I (p.45), the Jaga's Cluster is the Jagomir system! Futhermore, the book uses both "Jaga's Cluster" and "Jaga's Cluster system". Hk 47 (talk) 15:57, January 8, 2020 (UTC)

Governor Saresh's office

Hey Nostalgia. I'm not too fresh on our naming policy but if you think Leontyne Saresh's office is best, I'll do the move sure. Although I wanted to check first what the location is called in-game. Winterz (talk) 03:09, January 17, 2020 (UTC)

Re:Ambient dialogue NPCs in Fort Garnik

I think I've seen those before, but never head them speak. Do they actually have dialogue? Fan26 () 14:53, January 28, 2020 (UTC)

  • I have the Oradam village dudes, thanks for letting me know about the others. () 19:43, January 28, 2020 (UTC)

Forged Alliances

Hey Nostalgia. Forged Alliances is divided in two parts: Invasion in 2.7 and Forged Alliances in 2.10. According to the CT we passed, both are to be included in ROTHC appearances. I believe you have noticed some of my mistakes today in that department (based on distraction). I will review my latest edits and fix those issues. Thanks. Winterz (talk) 03:09, February 2, 2020 (UTC)

Timeline of Legends media

Hey, I started adding things onto the Timeline of Legends Media things that were clearly missing. Edit log shows you took them off. Do you mind if I ask why those pieces of media are excluded from the timeline???

RE: DC-15A blaster carbine/Legends

Both canon and Legends articles of the subject should be fine now. Please let me know if there are other issues with it. Anıl Şerifoğlu (talk) 19:03, February 11, 2020 (UTC)

Re: Drall/Legends

That's been fixed. For the record, I (or EcksBot) do not check whether pages are correctly titled before making these mass moves. You are free to fix issues with the era template yourself as well. 1358 (Talk) 20:23, March 24, 2020 (UTC)

Star Wars Adventures 4

No. I attempted to, but it wouldn't allow me to move it back. If you could do it, that would help. --Mr Star Wars Amino Republic (talk) 16:46, April 19, 2020 (UTC)

Ada's Holocron

Prove me that the Adas' Holocron was owned by Sorzus Syn. it's the King Narkgu's holocron look the pdf of "Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side" page 29

Diago Hixan's palace

Hey Nostalgia. Diago Hixan's summer palace is actually located in the Jundland Chasm, my mistake there. As for TOR Appearances I don't add them one by one, but I list them and then add all at once. I believe I had told you about this before. I am creating many articles and it is counter-productive to add them one by one, especially when that pages takes a ton to load. Cheers. Winterz (talk) 15:59, October 13, 2020 (UTC)

The Old Republic

Hey Nostalgia. Just wondering if you're working on any TOR projects nowadays, or if you have something in your scope. Winterz (talk) 17:33, October 19, 2020 (UTC)

Edit summaries

Thanks for contributing to Wookieepedia! When editing, please remember to provide an edit summary more often. This helps your fellow Wookieepedians, particularly those patrolling the Recent changes, understand why you are making certain changes. Thanks! Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 18:50, 31 October 2020 (UTC)


I'm sorry but did you even play KOTFE and KOTET? He could not have been clearer about not being Sith, and his negative opinion of them. And no, Ajunta Pall's infobox is not Sith, it's Jedi. --Potsk (talk) 15:43, 16 November 2020 (UTC)

Infobox field

Hey there. FYI I've left a bot request regarding that Planet infobox field. Imperators II 21:27, 24 April 2022 (UTC)

Naga Sadow's Flagship

Hey, thanks for your help with fixing the page title. I moved it but couldn't figure out how to do that. Flavivsaetivs (talk) 14:41, 5 November 2022 (UTC)

RE: Wookieepedia:Star Wars Character of the Year 2022 (Imageless)

I'm sorry. There may have been a technical glitch, and I did not check after voting. Sightsaber (talk) 10:58, 19 December 2022 (UTC)

Re: Move pages that you recently edited?

I think I've seen that when someone creates the canon counterpart article to an already exiting Legends article, a bot sorts out the /canon and /Legends tags. A portion of the articles on Weik were actually created as Legends articles, and someone went through and changed some of the lings to canon instead of creating a canon article. Boats1014 (talk) 23:31, 30 April 2023 (UTC)

Tatooine Ghost

I was also going to re-add the picture of Leia and Han in disguise to the Lars homestead page, but in trying to find the specific context in the novel add to various pages, it turns out the holocube was not viewed in the Lars homestead, the image is actually depicting the bazaar it was auctioned at. It seems there was also some confusion in a few other pages that Han and Leia purchased the holocube through Squib intermediaries, but it was purchased by a Gotal in the end. Boats1014 (talk) 16:45, 2 June 2023 (UTC)

Jango Fett

It does yes thanks for noting, will do so later Lewisr (talk) 00:51, 14 December 2023 (UTC)

Need article made by someone with Essential Atlas and Essential Guide to Warfare

Hi, there is no indication of such battle in the books. Just that Ackbar amassed his forces there before a battle at Bilbringi. Best, Hk 47 (talk) 16:36, 14 April 2024 (UTC)
