Velcar Free Commerce Zone

The Velcar Free Commerce Zone (FCZ) was an special economic zone in the Outer Rim oversight by Commerce Master Commissioners, many representing business interests. Many primitive species inhabited the planets of the Zone, and were essentially enslaved as indentured laborers by the Commerce Commissioners. During Imperial times it was located in Oversector Outer, and was under the influence of first Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, then his successor, Ardus Kaine.

In 4 ABY, Kaine held a series of talks with the leaders of the Commerce Zone, along with neighboring political, military, and business leaders. At the end of the talks, a treaty was signed forming a new government, the Pentastar Alignment. The Commerce Zone was absorbed into the new government. The Alignment eventually collapsed and was annexed by the Imperial Remnant.

Areas of the Zone




