

Veshok trees were a species of slow-growing, large, evergreen trees native to the Outer Rim world of Mandalore. Veshok trees grew in abundance on Mandalore, and sprawling veshok forests covered most of Mandalore's northern hemisphere, stretching nearly as far as the planet's polar ice cap. Veshok trees produced hard, sturdy wood, with a grain similar to that of oak trees.


Through the years, numerous Mandalorians elected to make their homes in and around clusters of veshok trees. Such was the prevalence of veshok trees on Mandalore, that it was not uncommon for Mandalorians to put veshok wood to use in the construction of homes, furniture, outdoor fencing and gateposts, and even toys for children.

During the time of the Cold War, the Veshok Terrace Apartments on Coruscant shared their name with the tough Mandalorian trees. Several millennia later, Veshok Squad―a unit of clone commandos within the Grand Army of the Republic's Special Operations Brigade―was likewise named after the sturdy veshok tree.

Kyrimorut—the home of the Mandalorian Skirata clan and a refuge for clone trooper deserters from the Galactic Republic's Grand Army both during and after the end of the Clone Wars—was located near a large number of veshok trees. The homestead's inhabitants made use of the tree's strong wood in various aspects of the Mandalorian bastion, including a portion of the large vheh'yaims furnishings, and in the creation of Kyrimorut's outdoor roba pin. The Skirata clan also used the surrounding veshok trees for wood to burn in Kyrimorut's hearths.

When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Mandalore during their invasion of the galaxy, a large percentage of Mandalore's veshok trees were destroyed in the resulting battle. Much of the tree-based communities that made their home in the veshok forests around Mandalore's capital city, Keldabe, were completely wiped out alongside the veshok trees destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong. However, by the year 40 ABY, Mandalore's veshok forests were beginning to return, growing back toward their former prominence.

Behind the scenes

Veshok trees were first introduced to the Star Wars universe in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel, Sacrifice, written by author Karen Traviss and published May 29, 2007. In the Mando'a dictionary compiled by Traviss, she noted that though veshok trees were intended to be large evergreens, they were possessed of a wood grain more similar to that of oak trees.












