Wedding marker

A wedding marker was a reoccurring occasion of celebration observed by married individuals on the planet Storinal.

In 7 ABY, Kell Tainer, a starfighter pilot for the New Republic's Wraith Squadron, played a practical joke on fellow Wraiths Falynn Sandskimmer and Voort saBinring by falsely claiming that the two were married and celebrating their fifth wedding marker in the Howler bar during their mission to Storinal. The Howler's management arranged to shine a spotlight on the pair, and provided them with refreshments while they were the subject of the applause and laughter of other patrons.

A wedding marker was first mentioned in Aaron Allston's 1998 novel X-Wing: Wraith Squadron.

Behind the scenes

A wedding marker was first mentioned in Aaron Allston's 1998 novel X-Wing: Wraith Squadron.



