
Aargau, the base of operations for the Bank of Aargau, was a celestial body situated within the Core Worlds region of the galaxy. Its position on the Standard Galactic Grid was specified as grid square L-10. Aargau was notable for the employment of enormous seventh-stage bank-courier repulsor-trucks. The planet was referenced in connection with credits issued to Boba Fett circa 9 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Aargau in the new Star Wars canon occurred within the pages of Ultimate Star Wars. This reference work, authored by Patricia Barr, Adam Bray, Daniel Wallace, and Ryder Windham, was made available to the public on April 28, 2015. Its genesis can be traced back to Star Wars (1977) 48, the forty-eighth installment of the Marvel Comics Star Wars comic book series, which at the time was considered Legends. The initial release date for this comic was March 24, 1981.

