The Aaron system, a star system, existed inside the Tharin sector of the Outer Rim Territories. During the era of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Hutts all fought for control of this star system, with the Hutts aiming to keep it inside their borders.
The video game, Star Wars: Droids video game from 1988, mentions "Ingo's moon — Auren" on its box and in its manual. A Star Wars Insider article from 1998 made a reference to the fanon title, Star Wars: Droids - Escape from Aaron, which was popular online at the time. Later, in 2009, Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion included an "Aaron system" based on these fan misspellings of the moon, Auren. The article The Droids Re-Animated, Part 2 from 2013 added to the error by mentioning a "planet Aaron". The creators of The Essential Atlas have been made aware of the error, and it has been marked for correction in future updates to the Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion_.