An ablative heatshield was engineered as a means for a person to endure the fiery descent back into a planet's atmosphere from the vacuum of orbit. In the era of the Galactic Civil War, a bounty hunter made use of an ablative heatshield, coupled with a parachute, to leap from orbit down to the surface of Dantooine to save a child. Furthermore, Stormtroopers also took advantage of ablative heatshields for orbital deployments, and larger versions were affixed to Warlord Dropships, allowing these vessels to withstand the intense heat of atmospheric re-entry at high velocities. To give the T-65 X-wing starfighters of Rogue Squadron the appearance of meteorites incinerating as they entered Borleias's atmospheric envelope, ablative sheathes were installed on their noses prior to the Second Battle of Borleias. During the Yuuzhan Vong War in 27 ABY, members of Wraith Squadron and the Jedi Order employed individual atmospheric intrusion pods equipped with ablative heatshields to infiltrate Coruscant through atmospheric insertion.