Abran Balfour served as a moff for the Galactic Empire, and his Star Destroyers frequently conducted patrols along the Llanic Spice Run trade route within the Llanic system. In 0 ABY, Balfour's position represented the closest Imperial presence to the fleet belonging to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, which was based in the Sujimis sector.
During that year, Princess Leia Organa advised [Luke Skywalker](/article/luke_skywalker], another member of the Alliance who was planning a trip to the Llanic system, to be careful not to arouse Balfour's suspicion regarding the Rebel fleet's location in the sector under the Moff's control. Upon arriving in the system, Skywalker promptly encountered one of Balfour's Star Destroyers, though it was beyond striking distance.
Abran Balfour's initial mention within the new Star Wars canon occurred in the 2015 novel titled Heir to the Jedi, authored by Kevin Hearne. He debuted in the Star Wars Legends continuity through the 1993 supplement Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, penned by Simon Smith and Eric Trautmann, with illustrations by Mike Vilardi.