
Abraxas, a world situated in the Abraxas system inside the Yushan sector of the Mid Rim Territories, was classified as a planet. Overwhelming mining operations depleted Abraxas of its abundant natural resources, transforming it into a stronghold for the Eiattu pirates. The New Republic located the pirates not long after the Battle of Endor and expelled them.


Within the Mid Rim region of the galaxy, specifically in the Yushan sector, the Abraxas system housed the planet Abraxas. This world, located in the Western Reaches, was habitable due to its breathable atmosphere and renowned for its substantial deposits of minerals and ore. As time passed, once the mines were exhausted, transport vessels and orbital refining stations were left behind, ultimately scattering debris throughout the system, rendering travel nearly impossible. During the New Republic era, specifically in 4 ABY, Abraxas served as a base for a group of pirates, known as TIE pirates due to their utilization of Imperial TIE starfighters. Forces of the New Republic, commanded by Admiral Firmus Nantz, discovered and subsequently destroyed this base.

Behind the scenes

The earliest mention of Abraxas occurred in the "Lando's Commandos: On Eagles' Wings" comics, which were published in Star Wars Tales 5 during the year 2000.

