Operation on Abraxas

The Abraxas operation marked one of the initial military actions undertaken by the New Republic following the conclusion of the Nagai–Tof War. Admiral Firmus Nantz was placed in command of the First Fleet, with the responsibility of conducting operations within the galaxy's Western Reaches. He established his base of operations for this campaign on the planet of Saijo.

From this location, Nantz led the First Fleet to Abraxas, where his fleet engaged and successfully eliminated the Eiattu pirates. This action was a deliberate display of strength, intended to confine two of the emerging Imperial warlordsMoff Utoxx Prentioch and Superior General Sander Delvardus—within their respective territories. This strategic maneuver proved effective, as Prentioch remained within the Bomis Koori system, while Delvardus dedicated his resources to defending the borders of his fiefdom.

Behind the scenes

On the Jedi Council Forums, Jason Fry verified that the Eiattu pirates referenced in The Essential Guide to Warfare are indeed the same pirates featured in Lando's Commandos: On Eagles' Wings. He also confirmed that the Abraxas operation is a direct continuation of Lando Calrissian's mission to Radix.


Notes and references
