Lando's Commandos: On Eagles' Wings

The story "Lando's Commandos: On Eagles' Wings" appeared in the comic book anthology Star Wars Tales 5. Ian Edginton was the writer, Carlos Meglia did the illustrations, and Michelle Madsen handled the coloring duties. It gained canonical status through inclusion in Unusual Suspects, an article featured in Star Wars Gamer 6. It was subsequently included in Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Vol. 1.

Plot summary

When a New Republic convoy emerges from hyperspace only to be seized by pirates utilizing TIE/IN interceptors, Lando Calrissian is summoned to address the situation. Lando's selection is based on his similarities to General Han Solo, specifically their shared "colorful backgrounds" indicative of their "crooked" histories. As Lando himself puts it, "Send a Thief to catch a Thief". Firmus Nantz grants Lando carte blanche in terms of resources, personnel, and vessels. Subsequently, Lando assembles Lando's Commandos, a diverse team comprising thieves, pilots, bounty hunters, smugglers, and Air Marshal Von Asch, the very individual who trained the pirate TIE/LN starfighters pilots.

Lando's Commandos.

During the initial briefing, Isolde Siro voices her vehement distrust of the former Imperial Officer, suggesting he belongs on a prison barge and should not be trusted due to his affiliation with "them." The briefing also brings to light the existence of a traitor within the ranks of the New Republic. Giza and Tiatkin assert their ability to locate and track the pirates, while Kine offers insights into the systems' characteristics, drawing upon his lifelong experience flying there. Von Asch corroborates this information, affirming that the pirates' base is located in that region.

Aboard the Millennium Falcon, Lando and his team, accompanied by others in separate vessels, venture into the area identified as the pirates' likely base. Upon disembarking, the team discovers they have fallen into a trap, triggering a fierce firefight in which Tia meets her demise. Lando instructs Kine to keep a close watch on Von Asch, but Kine retorts with "Watch yourself!", before betraying Lando by shooting him. Kine reveals himself to be an Imperial spy and informant to the TIE pirates, contrary to suspicions that Von Asch was the traitor. Holding a gun to Isolde's head, he demands the team surrender their weapons or face her execution, and he orders Giza to power down. The Imperial pirates, commanded by Harme Kiela, inform Von Asch that the deception was orchestrated for his benefit, further revealing that Kine provided them with intelligence regarding the New Republic convoys in order to secure his release from recruitment. Upon hearing Kiela's proposition to install him as the new pirate leader, Asch slaps the lieutenant across the face and angrily grabs hold of the man's jowls as he began rebuking his actions, telling them they are a "disgrace!" Kiela responds by pointing a pistol at the Air Marshall, declaring, "if you're not with us, you're against us."

Suddenly, Kiela and his accomplice are gunned down. Lando is revealed to be alive, catching Kine off guard long enough for Isolde to incapacitate him. Lando contacts Lobot and a Sullustan, who arrive with reinforcements and ships, unleashing fire upon the Imperial pirates. Recognizing his dire situation, Kine unveils his secret weapon: a stolen lightsaber, and attempts to kill Isolde, but Von Asch intervenes, sacrificing himself to protect her, enabling Isolde to eliminate Kine with her blaster for holding her hostage. Lying in a pool of his own blood, he tells Siro that he saved her because she's strong, in ways others can't perceive, and has a destiny. Isolde calls for a medic.

In the aftermath, Lando and Nantz discuss Von Asch, who survives to fight another day. Lando explains to the commander how he deduced Kine's role as the true antagonist, as well as the losses of Tiatkin and other personnel. The commander assures Lando that the Republic still values his expertise. Lando, ever the gambler, resorts to a coin flip to decide his course of action.

