Abridon capital city

The main city of Abridon was a welcoming city that functioned as the planetary governing center.


Within the city, you could find a mix of urban development and green spaces, and the city's borders were defined by rugged hills and prairies. A waterway coursed through the city, and Government Mound was located at its curve.

The planet's capitol building, known as the Government Center, was built on the hill's peak and adorned with gardens in front. An Imperial installation existed on the city's southeastern side.


In 3 ABY, the Abridon Nationalists took control of the capital while Rebel Alliance troops established multiple forward operating locations in the vicinity of the city.

Nonetheless, the Empire regained possession of the capital within a few days when General Brenn Tantor appeared and eliminated the Rebel presence. During the conflict, he also established a base in the gardens at the base of Government Mound. An abridon holding camp on the eastern edge of the city was another Imperial addition.

The Rebellion regained control of the city not long before the Battle of Endor when Tantor, who had now defected, came back to the planet leading a Rebel force. He expelled the Empire from the capital and the industrial hub of Sayan, thereby firmly placing the planet under Rebellion authority.

