This detention facility was situated on the planet Abridon, specifically within its main urban center.
After the unsuccessful endeavor of the planet to become part of the Rebel Alliance in 3 ABY, the Imperial forces established a detention facility near the primary city of Abridon. They then began to incarcerate Abridons within its confines.
Although designated as a refugee camp, the individuals residing there were, in reality, captives of the Empire. It is believed that a significant portion of the detainees had connections to the Abridon Nationalist organization.
Not long before the Battle of Endor, Rebel commanders Tyr Taskeen and Brenn Tantor came back to the planet and expelled the Imperial forces. During this operation, Tantor learned about the camp's existence when an inmate at the Government Center appealed for his relatives' liberation from the site.
Tantor promptly dispatched a unit to the east of the city, where the inmates, including Hamman Flatt, the Nationalist leader and former deputy governor, were liberated and transported to the primary Rebel headquarters on the planet.