AC1-series surveillance droid

The AC1-series surveillance droid, often called Spy Eyes, represented one of the most common surveillance droid models produced by Cybot Galactica. These spherical droids, measuring less than a meter in diameter, incorporated a low-power repulsorlift generator and a suite of advanced imaging and observation technologies. The Galactic Empire deployed these droids within Murkhana City. Alongside an ASN courier droid modified with a holotransmitter, they were used to penetrate a former medcenter that housed a deflector shield generator. Equipped as standard, AC1 units featured a 360-degree holocam coupled with a high-powered holotransceiver, enabling real-time footage transmission to an operator's remote holodisplay. They also had the capacity to carry a multi-optic imaging system that supported passive low-light, thermal, infrared, ultrasonic, digital optical, X-ray, and other types of sensors. For defense and security, they included a light blaster pistol mounted on a turret.

Their programming resulted in a lack of significant intelligence, personality, or independent action. Officers tasked with managing AC1 patrol groups typically piloted them using a control panel and spoken commands. When operating autonomously, AC1s would patrol designated areas, provide regular reports to their controllers, and discreetly track targets, recording their actions until a security team arrived.

The Imperial Military extensively used the AC1-series; they were present in nearly all Imperial bases, camps, facilities, and even space stations. During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Alliance Intelligence discovered that, due to a previously unknown flaw in their programming, AC1 droids were relatively easy to slice into and commandeer.

