Ace (kid)

The youthful companion of the bounty hunter Tirog, Tirog's protocol droid GT-9R, and the pirate Drebble referred to himself as "Ace". His more seasoned colleagues, however, did not seem to share his high self-regard, often calling him "Brat" or "No, don't touch that." instead.

When Ace was still a youngster, his hometown suffered an assault by the forces of the Galactic Empire. During this attack, Ace guided the other children of his town to a place of safety. From that moment onward, he saw himself as a natural-born leader.

On one occasion, Ace, along with Tirog, Drebble, and GT-9R, visited an outdoor market on a planet illuminated by a bright blue sun. During this visit, a gambler, accompanied by a pair of armed thugs, confronted them; this gambler had been pursuing the group for some time. As the gambler and his cronies began shooting at the group of four, Ace sought refuge in a nearby bar.

In another event during Ace's travels alongside Tirog, Tirog was rendered unconscious by a stun blast from a stormtrooper's blaster. Ace immediately came to Tirog's assistance, attempting to revive the bounty hunter.

Behind the scenes

Ace is a character featured in "Tirog's Story," a series of example gameplay scenarios found in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition. The player controlling Ace in "Tirog's Story" is identified as "John." The chapter dedicated to gamemastering also utilizes John's backstory for Ace as an illustration of player-generated ideas that a gamemaster might incorporate into a future adventure. The gamemaster, "Bill," is depicted contemplating an adventure where one of Ace's childhood friends from his hometown has been kidnapped by pirates or encountered a similar peril, prompting Ace to attempt a rescue. Later in the rulebook, Ace's rescue of Tirog is employed to demonstrate the game mechanics involved in providing medical treatment to a stunned character.

Ace's statistical profile appears to be modeled after the "Kid" character template presented in the rulebook. Assuming these statistics accurately reflect Ace, he is a Human, and at the time of his adventures with Tirog, he is twelve years of age. His limited possessions consist of two bottles of fizzyglug, a bag filled with candy, a small stone, some string, 25 credits, and a small animal companion whose status, whether alive or deceased, is uncertain.

The chapter focused on designing adventures within Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded once again references Ace and his backstory as an example of a player-created concept that a gamemaster could leverage as the foundation for an adventure. However, in this revised rulebook, Ace's player is named "Vince," the gamemaster is named "Kristen," and Ace's friends (and consequently, likely Ace himself) are depicted as adults in this hypothetical campaign. Kristen is considering a scenario where one of Ace's friends is either indebted to a loan shark, evading the Galactic Empire, or seeking assistance in locating his missing daughter.


Notes and references
