Ackbar Slash

The Slash, often referred to as the Ackbar Slash, was a naval combat maneuver frequently implemented by Mon Calamari Admiral Gial Ackbar. Aside from the Fake, very few tactics were as dependent on the intuition and expertise of fleet commanders. The Slash involved the capital ship formation executing a sharp turn and aggressively advancing toward a specific area within the enemy fleet. If the commander's timing was precise, their ships would navigate between the enemy vessels, enabling them to sequentially target and fire upon one or two crucial targets, with minimal effective retaliation. Given the immense firepower, it was uncommon for a starship's shields to endure, and a successful Slash typically resulted in the loss of two enemy ships. Furthermore, if the attacking ships could pivot to either port or starboard after breaching the enemy line, they could inflict significant damage on the enemy's rear.

However, the execution of this tactic demanded complete commitment from all participating vessels during the approach. If the lead ship experienced a reduction in speed or became incapacitated due to incoming fire, it was highly probable that collisions and disarray within the formation would occur. While all tactics involve risk, the Slash was particularly hazardous. Adaptations of the Slash included deployments that were staggered or even overlapping, with ships positioned above and below the primary line of attack.

During the Galactic Civil War at the Battle of Endor, Ackbar utilized the Slash to achieve a remarkably destructive outcome against the Galactic Empire's fleet.

