Adanar was a Senior Trooper of the male gender, serving the Brotherhood of Darkness army during the New Sith Wars against their enemy, the Galactic Republic. In 1003 BBY, he enlisted in the Sith military, the same day as Dessel, a Human who would become a close comrade. Adanar was assigned to the Gloom Walkers unit after completing basic training. His first experience in battle was during the Battle of Kashyyyk, followed by the Battle of Hsskhor, a battle that left him with deep emotional wounds. Throughout the following year, Adanar participated in numerous battles across various worlds. During the Battle of Phaseera in 1002 BBY, Dessel committed mutiny by incapacitating their commander, Lieutenant Ulabore, and seizing control of the unit, an action that Adanar fully endorsed.
Adanar, a male, fought for the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars in their conflict against the Galactic Republic. He enlisted in the Brotherhood's military forces in 1003 BBY, on the same day as another trooper named Dessel. After completing their initial training, both Adanar and Dessel were assigned to the same unit, the Gloom Walkers, under the command of Lieutenant Ulabore, eventually forming a strong friendship. Their first combat experience was during the Battle of Kashyyyk, which was an attempt by the Brotherhood to establish a presence in the Mid Rim by capturing the Republic-held Kashyyyk. Upon the arrival of the Brotherhood's troops, the Republic forces retreated into the dense wroshyr forests of Kashyyyk, employing guerrilla warfare tactics to inflict significant losses on the Sith. Despite this, the Sith Masters continued to deploy troops into the fray, with the Gloom Walkers forming part of the second wave of reinforcements. However, they became separated from the main battle lines and found themselves stranded deep within enemy territory. Faced with isolation and encirclement, Ulabore succumbed to panic. Nevertheless, Dessel stepped up to lead them on a three-day trek back to the main force. Ultimately, the Sith emerged victorious, capturing Kashyyyk. The story of the Gloom Walkers became a symbol of resilience for the Sith forces, boosting morale that had been dangerously low.
Following the Battle of Kashyyyk, the remaining Republic forces retreated to the neighboring planet of Trandosha. Twenty units of Sith troopers, including Adanar and the Gloom Walkers, were dispatched in pursuit. The Sith caught up with the fleeing Republic troops on the desert plains outside the city of Hsskhor, leading to the Battle of Hsskhor. After a day of intense fighting that resulted in numerous dead on both sides, nightfall brought a temporary respite as both armies retreated to opposite ends of the battlefield to regroup. Several hours after sunset, the native Trandoshans launched an attack on both sides, as they were not aligned with either faction in the galactic conflict. The Trandoshans inflicted heavy casualties on both the Sith and the Republic, prompting the Sith to request reinforcements from Kashyyyk. Eventually, the Sith managed to repel the Trandoshan assault and completely destroyed the remaining Republic forces, razing Hsskhor to the ground in the aftermath of the battle. However, Adanar was deeply traumatized by the events of the battle. In the year that followed, Adanar and the Gloom Walkers participated in numerous battles on various worlds.
The Gloom Walkers were involved in the Battle of Phaseera in 1002 BBY, an attempt to seize the Republic's manufacturing world of Phaseera. By this point, Adanar had risen to the rank of Senior Trooper and held the position of third-in-command within the Gloom Walkers, following Dessel and Ulabore. The Gloom Walkers were assigned the task of eliminating a Republic outpost that overlooked a valley leading towards the Republic base in Phaseera's capital city. Before the Gloom Walkers received their orders to advance, Adanar spoke with Dessel, expressing his belief that the mission would be straightforward. Dessel responded by conveying a sense of foreboding about the upcoming battle, which greatly troubled Adanar, as Dessel had experienced a similar premonition before the Battle of Hsskhor.
When Adanar's group finally received their orders, they were instructed to move out in one hour, in broad daylight. Despite Dessel's objections, arguing that Republic flatbed gunships stationed at the outpost would decimate the Gloom Walkers if they attempted to attack during the day, Ulabore refused to listen to reason. In response, Dessel knocked Ulabore unconscious and assumed command of the Gloom Walkers. Adanar, along with the rest of the Gloom Walkers, readily supported this action. The unit, now under Dessel's leadership, waited until nightfall to strike at the outpost. As the sun set, the Gloom Walkers moved stealthily through the jungle. Upon reaching the outpost, they divided into four squads and encircled the perimeter, each equipped with interference boxes to jam all transmissions within their designated area. However, the three Republic flatbed gunships, which were believed to be inactive for the night, were still operational and manned by three crew members each.
Driven by frustration and acting on impulse, Dessel sprang into action, eliminating several of the Republic gunners before being temporarily blinded by a flash canister. Despite the blinding effect, Dessel managed to regain his sight and swiftly dispatched the remaining gunship crewmembers with incredible speed and accuracy. Awestruck by what they had just witnessed, Adanar and the other Gloom Walkers hesitated momentarily before resuming their assault on the outpost. Three hours later, the Gloom Walkers successfully captured the outpost with only nine casualties, paving the way for the Sith army to advance towards the Republic camp in the capital. Adanar was left behind with a small squad as the rest of the Gloom Walkers returned to their camp in the jungle to secure the outpost. The Battle of Phaseera marked the last time Adanar served alongside his friend Dessel, as news of Dessel's exceptional shooting skills spread, leading to his recruitment for training in the dark side of the Force at the Korriban Sith Academy. Dessel eventually became Darth Bane, a highly influential Dark Lord of the Sith.
Adanar developed a strong friendship with Dessel after joining the Sith army and being assigned to the Gloom Walkers unit. He held Dessel in high regard, admiring his abilities and trusting his leadership implicitly. Adanar harbored a degree of disdain for his commanding officer, Lieutenant Ulabore, whom he considered to be a cowardly and ineffective leader. He believed that Dessel would be a far superior leader for the Gloom Walkers and fully supported Dessel's decision to knock Ulabore unconscious, even in the face of potential court-martial for mutiny. Adanar was deeply affected by his experiences during the Battle of Hsskhor, leaving him emotionally scarred.
Adanar is a character in Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, a novel written by Drew Karpyshyn and published in 2006.