Adelade was a Jedi Master of the Galactic Republic, identified as a female Human. An anonymous source provided her with specific coordinates leading to a location on Makeb in 3631 BBY, after the Eternal Alliance was established and following the demise of Empress Vaylin of the Eternal Empire. The anonymous information suggested that a significant mystery related to the Force lay hidden there, prompting Adelade to lead an investigative team. However, their discovery turned out to be Gethul, a being of unknown origins possessing immense power, which had been dormant for thousands of years beneath Makeb's surface. Adelade and her companions succumbed to Gethul's influence upon hearing its "song," leading them to establish a Cult of Gethul with the objective of fully awakening the creature. Upon discovering this plot and concerned that Gethul's full power could destabilize Makeb's core, resulting in the planet's destruction, Admiral Bey'wan Aygo of the Alliance military dispatched a strike team to thwart Adelade's scheme. The strike team engaged the Gethul cultists, along with Chief Engineer Penzaren and indigenous creatures, all under the control of Adelade and Gethul. Ultimately, they confronted Adelade herself, and after defeating her in battle, they detonated the D-5X probe droid, which was loaded with explosives, inside Gethul's mouth, thereby eliminating the monstrous being and averting the potential catastrophe.