
Gethul, a being of mysterious origin, had been in a state of hibernation beneath the surface of Makeb for thousands of years prior to the Galactic War. Despite its discovery in 3629 BBY, no prior accounts of the creature existed. However, Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb later discovered traces of organic material unique to Belsavis within its digestive system, leading him to propose that it originated there. Oggurobb also posited the theory that Gethul was a genetic experiment conducted by the Rakata, given the presence of their genetic markers alongside those of rathtar, dianoga, and numerous other species. Gethul also possessed a significant mind control ability, hinting at Force-sensitivity. This was evidenced when a team led by Jedi Master Adelade located it based on information from an anonymous source. Although not fully awakened, Adelade and her followers succumbed to Gethul's "song," forming a Cult of Gethul and attempting to fully rouse the creature. Upon learning this, and fearing that Gethul's full power could destabilize Makeb's core and destroy the planet, Admiral Bey'wan Aygo of the Eternal Alliance dispatched a strike team to thwart Adelade's plan. The team engaged the cultists of Gethul, along with Chief Engineer Penzaren, and local wildlife, all of whom were under the control of Adelade and Gethul. They eventually confronted Adelade herself, and after defeating her, they detonated the D-5X probe droid, loaded with explosives, inside Gethul's mouth, eliminating the monster and ending its threat.

Behind the scenes

Gethul makes an appearance in the "Destroyer Of Worlds" Uprising within Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne.

