
The homeworld of the Aefan, Aefao was situated within the Aefao system. This planet, quite distant, resided on the opposite side of the galaxy when compared to Nar Shaddaa.


Aefao's discovery occurred between 5000 and 1000 BBY by the Galactic Republic. During the time of the Jedi Civil War, it existed as a faraway world on the edge of known galactic civilization. Due to its location near territories controlled by the Sith Empire, it was considered a part of Sith Space until the Brotherhood of Darkness was defeated during the New Sith Wars.

At the onset of the Clone Wars, Aefao swiftly declared its secession from the Republic, choosing to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the war's conclusion, the newly established Galactic Empire granted the planet a pardon. Aefao remained affiliated with the Empire, even after its defeat in the Galactic Civil War. Incorporated into Oversector Outer, Aefao pledged allegiance to the empire of Warlord Zsinj and later to Grand Admiral Thrawn. By 11 ABY, Aefao was still within the Remnant's domain, but it suffered destruction during the [Yuuzhan Vong War](/article/yuuzhan_vong_war]. As of 137 ABY, Aefao's allegiance remained with the Fel Empire-in-Exile.

